Thursday, July 22, 2010

How Do I Get A Boston Marathon Jacket


Friday, August 6 will be held at the park of an evening dedicated to Cormor Poets of Scilla Samuel publisher. Speakers authors Cescon, Cupani, De Vos, Longo, Rossignol, Trentin.

The program will be the following:

Introduction Music Federico Rossignoli

20:20 hours
Editor's Introduction

at 20.30
Roberto Cescon reading from "The severity of the Threshold

20:40 hours reading Cupani Guido from "The happiness"

at 20:50
reading of Arnold de Vos from "Stagliano"

at 21.00
reading by Maria Luigia Longo Landscapes time "

Federico Rossignoli reading from" The rain engraved "

21:20 hours
Alberto Trentin reading from" The Voice of the fathers "

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Get Ticker Symbol List

Masters at home. Memory with no regrets to overcome the disease of displacement

Public preview article on the last Villalta book that will be in the next issue (missed) 's Ippogrifo .

Villalta In this book succeeds in giving shape to the grounds and the pressures of his entire literary experience, combining his poetic narrative and the memory capacity observe the recent history of the area and seizing the roots of his changes.
Why we're all in the Northeast is an unpleasant subtitle certainly seductive, but misleading because it is true that out, sometimes we are perceived this way, and although we may consider the sympathy wasted time, less useful vocation, even querulous, the sacrifices, the reasons for this resentment are other, through the anthropological and social changes of the territory. Beginning with the transition from agricultural to industrial, which marked the end of civilization, defined by Charles Peguy the most important event in history after the birth of Christ . Our grandfathers and our fathers are the last belonging to that civilization, characterized by poverty (linked in turn, says the author, is the historical lack of a proper class businesswoman is a strong political autonomy, as well as a low level of education), but confident in the future. Indeed, this very progress epic, based on work and the ability to produce, has allowed the economic miracle of the Northeast, because the vocation of sacrifice was an instrument of social emancipation and individual freedom. Hence the myth of the Schei, claiming ignorance as opposed to culture, the primacy of doing other forms of knowledge, not understanding that, in fact, knowing how to do was a way to compete with that culture.
In other words, the well-being was not created by bonfires and spun, the tradition of a past now dusted with accents ideological and nostalgic, but by a determination to improve their economic and social life, the poverty of redeeming their departure.
mentioned in the book are so powerfully figurative shapes of factory-worker, who looked after the fields after leaving the factory, even with the blue overalls, craftsmen and many Enci Carniel, able to arrive at the inn with dirty hair of sawdust in his BMW.
is also the 1976 earthquake to set the end of the 'archaic isolation, spoken Piovene during his trip to Italy, el'irruzione of modernity, with industry and agriculture market.

Today this is forgotten, the memory of that world is distorted in the name of this urgency. There is thus removed of illusions and the selection of memories of convenience. The implication is that somehow that reality is replaced by a vision of promotional advertising, made of traditional cuisine and local wines and in which inns have disappeared from the streets, replaced by hostaria site in the most attractive, while the squares are fate bar trying to cover the same function of inns in the past (for some are in fact the 'alternative male work), perhaps to create names like Canton Bar or snack bar at the ricevitorial Curtif.
To reconstruct a narrative of the Northeast, properly reconsider the past is the starting point, necessary to overcome the crisis itself, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future, crushed in a continuous present, on the one hand, forces young people to behave as already adults (as if they do not impose anything as long as they do the same with us), the other creates the syndrome remain young and bright over time, revealing a degree of immaturity not to accept the passing of days.
should instead listen to this through new ways of communication and provide space for exchange, and created an influence, a persuasive I can imagine a future where there is not necessarily room for regrets, because the experience of the past can not be revived and it is therefore unnecessary to address this. The political class
Northeastern far failed to do so, either because the homo of the Northeast in the policy itself is not very important (first of all we must know how to do their job) or only to the extent that s' interesting to improve the economy, and because today does not seem to ask complex questions that can give direction to the territory, as committed to raise popular support in the short term, intercepting his fears. On the other
hand, the deletion of the memory affects the same dialogue between generations. Its cause is not, said Villalta, in the prevailing character of the family modernity, but rather, taking Sloterdijk, the accumulation of a frustration that the media can not find ways to melt, generating resentment and envy. In addition, the information revolution has already marked a generational divide, in the sense of simultaneity and fragmented network of a different perception of communicative relationships.
Moreover, the same psychological amnesia there is also among the literary genres that have not been recognized at least during a blackout for about thirty years, from the sixties to the nineties, and by the generation of Meneghello Zanzotto to that of Bugaro, Covacich shoe.
What should the Northeast obscuration is thus removing the media, which makes it look just like container record, often black, or Sketches in her dialect, or even cultural celebration as proposed (see the historical re-enactments), never as a moment of discussion.
Today, the Northeast has the perception of a u niforme industrialized and urbanized landscape (yes, there are still ghosts of Erto, the hills of Zanzotto or microcosms of Magris, but also leveling, logging, the landfills, the abandonment of houses, churches, the rise of 'modern', the exotic plantations), which is a counterpoint to the Zanzotto , the lament for the unconditional destruction of the landscape, which does not reflect on the causes of change. If
Pasolini in 1975 complained about the disappearance of fireflies, now they are back because different areas along the highways or shopping centers, no longer farmed, were feral. And this is not good. In addition, said Villalta, fireflies have reappeared, but does not see anybody, except maybe the runner, because no one is outside, not even the old, lost before the game shows on TV. Rather
today seems to be gone dark, replaced by a continuity of light populated that, paradoxically, are not able to illuminate the borders of the illness, which suffers from this little compendium of the universe, their study would be necessary to re-creation of a his identity. Here then is that the Northeast could become obnoxious a laboratory of disorientation, a vanguard of that subtle disease that is consuming the whole of Italy .