Monday, March 21, 2011

Pre Made Wedding Scrapbooks

Il nuovo Messaggero Veneto

Il Messaggero Veneto cambia dal 22 marzo: sarà tutto a colori e formato tabloid

Da martedì passa dalle 42/44 pagine di oggi alle 56/64 di domani, fino a 80 nell’e dizione della domenica. Tutte a colori. Restano anche i due fascicoli, uno nazionale e uno locale. L’unica differenza starà nella possibilità di estrarre la parte locale del quotidiano, senza l’attuale netta divisione. Una grafica elegante, pulita, ordinata darà forma al nuovo Messaggero Veneto.

Ciò comporta un lieve cambiamento anche per la rubrica "dama" che ogni mercoledì il quotidiano del Friuli pubblica. Si ritornerà alle 2200 battute circa, invece delle 3800/400 attuali. The diagram, however, will be in color, and will certainly make reading more enjoyable!

Deathwatch Chapter Summary 1,2,3,4

Dal M.V. del 16.03.2011

Daniela Berti among the first Cannes

It was concluded 24th Cannes International Open (FRA), the prestigious race lady in the international system began on 21 and ended on February 27 last year. The event in this edition, recorded a massive number of entries, considering the fact that only athletes with certain characteristics are eligible, however, they sat at tables playing well sixty-three players from all over Europe . To represent our nation in fact wearing the colors of the national Italian, Grandmaster National Daniela Berti, in this case the player / coach, as he also holds the post of coach Federal. For our sporting a brilliant performance, which earned him even after the eighth round, the 26th game unbeaten run at high level (European, Italian League, Cannes), interrupted only after the encounter against the Netherlands Nina hoekman , not a little less than the No. 3 world ranking female. Let's follow the blue-heads running athlete. After a cautious start and scrupulously careful study of the first opponents producing the products of three of the first three rounds, respectively, against i fortissimi, Ingrid de Kok, Gabriel Estébé e Jean-Loup Clement. Affondo di spettacolare pregio al quarto turno, durante il quale il damista savonese batte Francis Sabau con una bellissima combinazione, che mette alla luce tutta l’esperienza ed il proprio potenziale tecnico. Dopo questa bella vittoria riprende l’avanzata come era stata intrapresa, a suon di pareggi, quattro consecutivi, rispettivamente con Vitalia Doumesh, René Estébé; Mor Seck ed Erwin Heunen. A questi livelli il risultato di parità è il più frequente, viste le differenze di potenziale davvero minime, e di certo rappresenta un utilissimo strumento di avanzamento indolore in attesa di qualche colpo vincente. Al quinto turno si trovava ancora imbattuto and provisionally by the first tenth to two points. Continues to advance with good ties to the ninth round when he ran in the only defeat in this event, but did not spot the excellent race Berti. Find the stop and then against the very strong hoekman Nina (which will finish on the podium at the second level on points with the winner), fought to the end of a game, started badly, but recovered with great difficulty and suffering, which in the end it made them feel they are in a decisive defeat cost the subtlety. Ready redeemed in the tenth and final round with another good win against Faustin Ekollo, thus concluding the tournament in 9th place. This is the Top Ten of the tournament: 1st Thomy Lucien Mbongo (CAM) 14 punti, 2° Nina Hoekman (OLA) 14, 3° Tamara Tansykkuzhina (RUS) 14, 4° Kevin Machtelinck (FRA) 13, 5° Mor Seck (SEN) 13, 6° Ronald Scialle (BEL) 12, 7° Andre Bercot (FRA) 12, 8° Erwin Heunen (OLA) 11, 9° Daniele Bertè (ITA) 11, 10° Leopold Sekongo (FRA) 11. Vediamo infine una combinazione ideata dal francese Baledent J. alla fine del 1800. Il Bianco muove e vince. (Soluzione: 24-19 14x23 37-31 26x46 38-32 46x28 33x04 21-26 29x18 11-17 48-42 16-21 42-37 06-11 43-38 20-24 38-32 11-16 40-35 01-06 49-43 03-08 34-30 25x34 39x19 15-20 19-14 20x09 04x02 06-11 18-12 17x08 02x13)

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Dal M.V. del 09.03.2011

Gianfranco, il calcolatore umano

Many people know the extraordinary mathematical ability Gianfranco Borghetti, father of champion Michael, challenger for the world title in English lady, who will fly this summer in the United States of America groped for the arduous undertaking. Returning to our protagonist, is also excellent teacher in both game systems, and arbiter of international renown, as well as chairman of the Federal technique, the Livornese Gianfranco Borghetti is in possession of extraordinary abilities of mental calculation, which frequently gives wide demonstration which arbitrates in races, for the speed and accuracy with which you run pairs, and replacing the computer, calculate ratios, draw up charts and above all know instantly determine the changes in "capital" for fans of helium Rubel, of which he is constantly surrounded, between the discomfort of the defeated el'esultanza winners. Weather permitting, Gianfranco also entertains friends with fun games of skill, more of a mathematical nature, such as the smash hit of the dates of birth. This is to determine in less than a second, day of week in which the customer duty was born, starting from the date. Our genius has learned everything, from the year 0000 to 4000. Overtime is not so much in the calculation itself is quite complex, the result of the study calendar Gregoriano e di quello Giuliano, bensì nella sbalorditiva rapidità e assoluta precisione con cui il fenomeno Borghetti la esegue. A riprova di questa dote molto curiosa, ne sono testimoni i numerosi inviti e le relative apparizioni televisive sia in emittenti locali, sia in quelle nazionali, come nella serata in cui, ospite del Maurizio Costanzo Show di un paio d’anni or sono, ha saputo sbalordire tutti. Gianfranco incontra ogni giorno qualcuno che gli rivolge domande, forse anche perché molti sospettano qualche trucco. Ma trucco non c’è, è tutto autentico, e ne ha data più volte prova invitando i dubbiosi a consultare telefonini, o le più tradizionali tavole perpetue, e mai una volta ha sbagliato. “Scusi signore, mi chiamo Antonio”, gli fece anni fa un ragazzo, “sono nato il 16 gennaio 1984, può dirmi che giorno della settimana era?” La domanda non fu conclusa che arrivò fulminea la risposta: “lunedì”. “Eh no!” Intervenne la mamma del ragazzo, anch’egli presente, “mio figlio è nato di domenica! E se non lo so io ….” balbettò. Oltretutto, aggiunse, quel giorno feci i cannelloni , ed i cannelloni a casa mia si mangiano la domenica!” Gianfranco non disse parola, ma a mente ricontrollò per scrupolo, e poi si pronunciò con garbo: “Signora mi scusi, io non so nulla dei suoi cannelloni, ma le assicuro che suo figlio è nato di lunedì”. How did it end? Very simple, my mother had been wrong, for having once broken the rule of gastronomic family, all this amid the applause and laughter of the onlookers. Borghetti not forget, however, even in transmission, first of all be a damista, and give it some credit for a lot of skill, as the lady, a real gymnastics of the brain. But tell the truth must be said that genes are born, not made, and also the best little exercise can, against a physically out of shape. Let us finally to the position diagram the white running a nice shot 17-13, 10x26, 29x13, 9x18, 19x10, 6x13, 15-12, 8x15, 23-20, 16x23, 27x4, with a final favor.

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Dal M.V. del 02.03.2011

Rivelazione Terzo con Valentino Felice

Prosegue senza indugi l’avanzata del Bar Poç di Terzo di Tolmezzo, che a punteggio pieno lancia un chiaro messaggio al Merluzzi di Piedim di Arta Terme, campione in carica, che proprio sabato prossimo incontreranno. Giunti a questo punto, tale match sa tanto di scontro diretto per l’assegnazione del titolo 2011. La formazione capitanata dal Maestro Romeo Patatti, con sede presso il bar Poç di Terzo di Tolmezzo, è la vera rivelazione della stagione. Infatti il capitano ha saputo ben stimolare i propri giocatori, creando un vero gruppo competitivo ed affiatato. L’asso nella manica però sembra essere proprio il nipote the teacher, the young Valentino Felice, capable of excellent performance curled behind each other, showing more and more certainty in the ranks of the Third. Very important meeting last Saturday that saw them beat the tackle and strong players Julia Gemona del Friuli, Valentino showed off a great victory against the expert teacher candidate condole Vittorio di Udine, and a brilliant draw against Lucien Zinutti of the National Codroipo, also very talented continues to grow. Zinutti fact he defeated more than a little less than the Maestro Patatti with impeccable conduct. Returning to the young Valentino, it must be said that the pace is truly amazing and numero di risultati utili ottenuti quest’anno, vista anche l’inattività quasi totale nei periodi caldi in cui si dedica con ottimi risultati alla corsa campestre. Di certo un connubio interessante di discipline sportive che si intrecciano e si rafforzano a vicenda, essendo la dama uno sport in cui è indispensabile la capacità di mantenere sempre alta la concentrazione, Valentino la può sfruttare per rimanere assorto nelle lunghe corse, dove la forza di volontà può fare la differenza. Rovescio della medaglia, come recita la locuzione latina: “mens sana in corpore sano” l’attività fisica aiuta a scaricare tensioni e pensieri, pulendo la mente dalle scorie quotidiane che di certo non sono amiche della meditazione, allowing a peaceful and constructive approach to the long analysis of the game. Along with Valentino's father, however, Gian Lucio, who tell the truth it must be remembered for years to be a good average player, which certainly contributed to the growth of the child. Good performance even for the veteran James Candoni Bertolini and Second, that well support the comrades mentioned above. Alongside Piedim Arta Terme, the formation of a victory Saturday Giuliano Giacobbi obtained very painful, and the expense was the bar Creek Cedarchis Arta Terme. Affirmation difficult because they have seen dips in form of Giuliano Giacobbi and John Urban, who have not ensured the usual number of points. Determinants therefore proved the second file composed by Ivo always ready and slave Giuliano Querini, who were able to take over the team in a fairly complicated situation, and to lead a troubled but very tasty victory. Finally here are taken from the glides quite a famous book "Maccagni" where white to move and win with a fine strategy. (Solution: 25-21 07-11 22-18 14-19 18-13 10x26 29x06 BV)

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Dal M.V. del 23.02.2011

The great Zorn regains primacy

A day full of emotions one experienced last Sunday in home to the regional championship of checkers international Tolmezzo. To excel on every other, even if not purely competitive source was the extraordinary participation in the dinner, which in this case has always been known for meeting and fraternal handshakes for damisti del Friuli, Grado's great champion, Master Nicholas Lugnan. For some time away from racing he wanted to visit the new and old friends that in the case of some of them accompanied him for over half a century in his career-gloss, undoubtedly one of the most representative of Friuli. Lugnan, born in 1937 started to approach the world of the 64 boxes very young, entering with success in the famous circle of Grado. Then the work and life distract the sample correctly, just add that the time required the just and deserved importance. Place several affairs and channeled into a stable and strong track their lives as a man of family, may again reject a lot of resources to the study of the lady, in fact in 1976 he was promoted to master Italian lady, also participating in the same year, the Italian championships absolute. This event which saw him busy for 10 editions, that of the 76 mentioned above and from 1978 to 1986 without interruption. Your trophy count the more than 200 couples that he jealously guards in their homes, but above all, as he recalled Sunday in a very special corner of his heart. The President of FID, Renzo Tondo, yesterday at this event was greatly appreciated la visita dell’amico, ringraziandolo inoltre di aver arricchito il magazzino federale del materiale didattico ed agonistico dell’ex Circolo Gradese di cui egli è stato per anni presidente. Tornando ora alla cronaca della gara, spicca su tutte una vittoria, quella ottenuta dal mitico Walter Zorn, classe 1932, che nel gruppo assoluto ha preceduto tutti i grandi damisti presenti. Zorn, triestino di residenza, ma tolmezzino damista ha ottenuto questa grande vittoria superando brillantemente nell’ordine della classifica finale, i vari Sergio Specogna, Sergio Pastrovicchio, Daniele Redivo, Matteo Santarossa, Andrea Candoni, lo sloveno Bernard Kasca e Simone Tondo. Nel secondo gruppo, ottima conferma del candidato maestro tolmezzino Otello Marini, a point ahead of Mariano Dall'Asta and John Urban, penalized in the third position from the quotient. Away from the podium here, Slovenes Kristian Kasco Mitia Komac and Julian Ilinca Lapanja followed by Jacob and Edward Rainis. The sign of a third group found that Luciano Paulissich to 8 points before the winning couple of the family that Zanussi, with his father and his son Pablo Franco complete the podium. It must be said also that the Zanussi is now a certainty for years in this discipline in the regional group. Below Morsellino Antonio, Vittorio condole, Sergji Wojcicky, Emilio Nadal and Maria Ester Menegaldo. Finally, we see a combination designed by French Baledent J. at the end of 1800. White to move and win. (Solution: 24-19 14x23 37-31 26x46 46x28 38-32 33x04 29x18 21-26 11-17 48-42 16-21 42-37 06-11 43-38 20-24 38-32 11-16 40-35 01-06 49-43 03-08 34-30 15-20 19-14 25x34 39x19 20x09 04x02 17x08 02x13 06-11 18-12)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Milena Velba & Miosotis .


E 'online arisen recently the site of the French model of circus called Cirque En Piste (already known earlier), which covers the area of \u200b\u200bmodeling, with the greatest works of all of the circus.

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Aquatic Famous guests at the circus in the evening de "At the Circus with the Tricolore" held to mark the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy under the Aquatic center of the circus in Rome, via Tor Di Quinto. After the president
ENCI Antonio Buccioni present at the first show in the evening on the big stage dell'Acquatico increased the show-man who wanted Tiberio Timperi parteciapre the evening with his son and friends and at the end of the show was honored with the 'hymn talia our flag with all the artists of the circus.
A charming evening atmosphere full of white and red and green masterfully organized by the staff of the circus family Zoppis.
"The circus has always fascinated me in this day and I'm excited to see all this people who sang the national anthem. "He said to the microphone TiberioTimperi and then told everyone" living the circus live Italy! ".

view the article in THE SOURCE

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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The artistic director and owner of the Circus, Vinicio Togni, will open the festivities for the entire audience of Terni, which will be the show of March 17, hours 18:00 and 21:00.
Please note also that the CircoLidia Togni, will Terni until 21 March.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Hello, we use this place for all communications regarding Vivicittà 2011!
Here is the link for the site of the event:

Let's take a look at the 2010 ... we were presented with 9 "Altet"

1:43:44 4:57 ASS M Paglialonga IARI
1:52:52 5:23 ASS F EROS AGNES
1:56 : 05 5:31 ASS M Caldine ANDREA

Here is the list of participants ... three cats had to be but in the end there are already some 11 members and two more uncertain ..

Mannini Claudio Chiodi

Niccolò Casini Francesco Giacomo Certosa

Filippo Ceccarelli Maurizio Baldi
Eros Agnes
Paglialonga Iari
Tommaso Francesco Sarno
Zecchi Roberto

Agnoletti Alessandro Gabriele

Physical Therapy After A Minor Car Accident


The Women's Circus Orfei Bojano will be March 17 to 21.

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Chaplin's The Circus is one of the most popular films in the world dedicated to the art of runway . But now we discover that traveling with the circus life and the great actor, director and writer (but he was also a composer and producer) registered at birth with the name of Charles Spencer Chaplin, had in common even born. E 'jumped out a letter to try these sources, until now remained in a drawer - you do not know why - the house where Charlie Chaplin lived since 1957 and where he died on December 25, 1977: Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, a small town in the canton of Vaud (in the same locality lived the writer Graham Greene). And if the products had up to now generally spoken of a Chaplin came to the world in London, now it would focus on a bandwagon of people travel in the West Midland, near Birmingham.

What kind of letter would justify the source of Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin circus? A letter of which the individual concerned was in possession later, when He was 82.
According to his son Michael, who has revealed the important document to the BBC Radio 4 program in the first episode of The Chaplin Archive (the second February 28), this is a genuine letter and credible. Who was to reveal the true birth of the king of the tramps? A Jack Hill, or so they signed, and is the same surname of the mother of Charlie Chaplin. Has a real dressing down to the great actor, even the accusation that he wanted to lie to do it knowing its origins, recounting that he had come to light in London. Jack Hill writes: "Hello Charlie. If you want to know, you were born in a wagon, just like me. A beautiful bandwagon. He belonged to the Gypsy Queen, which Then it was my aunt. You were born in the Black Patch park in Smethwick. Like me, but two and a half years later. " A few lines but definitely shocking to Charlot at the time of opening the envelope and read its contents, ending with a curt "goodbye and good luck." There is some 'mystery author of the letter, which appears as the son of Captain JJHill "tamer of wild animals."

Black Patch, they said. In the days when Charlie Chaplin was born was the citadel of showbiz gypsies and itinerant many inhabitants of the suburbs of Birmingham, then cleaned up, and now for future memory of that past remains just a plaque.
's mother, Hannah Harriette Hill, carried on the profession variety of singer and actress, in turn comes from a family of nomads. Her husband, from whom he parted soon, was a strolling player, but especially a big drinker.
There is also the testimony of the child, as was said, to give everything a patina of authenticity. The items belonging to a nomadic Chaplin had already chased, but the findings were missed. "This letter must mean something to my father because he kept. The details it contains are very precise and he locked it in a drawer, never showing any of us. " More details: "He discovered my sister Victoria after the death of our mother. He called a locksmith to open a chest of drawers and found this letter, a single sheet of paper written on both sides with a black ballpoint pen. " Now maybe it also explains why it had never found the birth certificate of Chaplin.

view the article in THE SOURCE

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"The circus, in its highest forms, is a joyful synthesis of ancient traditions and popular suggestions: culture often apart that enrich the show in a continuous melt and chase each other, creating a symbolic representation of the different identities and their fruitful integration. " E 'as he writes President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, Antonio Buccioni since last February 24 at the head of the trade association of the complex Italian. Buccioni the day after his appointment by the shareholders of The Circus, Napolitano had addressed a letter of greeting and appreciation. "The circus is performing one of the oldest: the Italian led the world to its roots, union, spirit of belonging and identity, Italian, permeating the similar forms of expression of other countries," the president stressed in his letter Enc. "Our Academy of Circus, strongly supported and directed by Palmyra school that has no equal in Western countries, art forms which have honored the image of Italy winning the most prestigious international awards, most recently, with Flavio Togni, the Golden Clown of the International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo last January. " And Buccioni informed the Head of State also the will of the Italian circus to participate in the celebrations for the Unification of Italy: "The circus is always in the positive national and popular entertainment of the period. And, in response to this characteristic, the Enc, accepting his invitation to the nation, has decided to celebrate the day of the March 17 hearing and in the simplest way: with the national anthem at the beginning of each show and all the artists at the center of the track, and thousands of small flags or ribbons delivered to our young viewers today, adult citizens of tomorrow. On this occasion, if possible, we'd like to read a lot your message. "

The President of the Republic has accepted the invitation and his warm and loving message to the people of the circus has arrived on time with the moving expressions of support for the circus arts, and also to the initiative on track with the Tricolore " "In the spirit of celebration that links all over the country in the solemn celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy," read the letter at the Quirinale signature of the Secretary-General Donald Marra, "the President of the Republic has appreciated the decision to entrust the execution of the national anthem to open the shows scheduled for March 17 next year and open to all artists who have joined the initiative and the public will take part in events heartfelt greetings and his best wishes for the success of the event, to which I add my personal. "
Finally, Napolitano congratulates Buccioni "for the position taken recently at the helm of The Circus, collecting the precious legacy of Mr. Egidio Palmiri, who led the Association for over fifty years with great passion and dedication unchanged and will continue to support him in his capacity as Honorary President of the association. "
E 'with this wonderful encouragement that circuses are preparing for the celebration of the unification of Italy under the tents. Rosettes and flags will be given away to the public to assist the shows on 17th March, opened by artists gathered on the track, with the Italian flag and national anthem on the notes.

view the article in THE SOURCE

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A 2006 article speaks of an event that happened to Mario Saly, in Latin. They wanted to renounce it, but he wanted to give as food to tigers.
The article reads "LATINA - It was closed in the cage of tigers, threatening to injure with a knife and thrown to the animals. The protagonist of the dramatic gesture of protest Mario Saly, owner of the circus" Fantasy. "The man is locked up with the cats in order to challenge the failure to release from seizure of tigers and requested an interview with the magistrate. It is feared that the presence of many people can annoy animals and to escalate the situation. "I have left and the danger of suicide is not averted. "So the lawyer Pietro Marsili, assisting Mario Saly has complained that the agents guarding the area have gone and added that there are no developments on the requests of the man who does not want to give the tigers.
Saly is locked in Borgo Piave, near Latina, 6 months after the seizure of tiger operated by agents of the Forestry Corps on the orders of the magistrate court had appointed guardian. In a complaint against him on bail for animal abuse.
The story began last February, when the circus Fantasy was "disappeared" from a square in Rome, between Casilina and Tiburtina. Saly had escaped taking away the tigers, then that would be found near Latina.
In these six months, had been set up an ad hoc structure to house the cats in the natural oasis of the WWF in Semproniano in the province of Grosseto. In recent days was not can make the transfer because the means were found disassembled on arrival of the agents of the Forest. The measure will be performed as soon as the truck facilities will be restored.
is not the first time the man staged similar gestures. Already on February 22 last year, faced with a new measure of seizure of animals, it was locked in a cage with tigers, threatening to set themselves on fire in protest. Fortunately the next day, for a procedural irregularity, the seizure had been suspended.

(August 10, 2006)


Monday, March 14, 2011

Findings During Brazilian Waxing


Cyrus Abros sends us photos of the exterior of the Circus of Budapest, Mario Family Saly. Also remember, that did the exceptional Radio Cirque , which deals with news, tour and more curiosity.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Reading goings Bar (Pasian di Prato)

Tomorrow at 21:00

coming and going
Bar Piazza Matteotti 2
Pasian Di Prato, Udine

Reading poems of the poets:
CESCON of Pordenone, Gorizia