Monday, December 20, 2010

Where To Buy Titleist Ap2 Fakes

Tuesday 21 to literary café is the presentation of the catalog publisher of Samuel de 2010

Tuesday, December 21 at the Literary Cafe at the Convent of Pordenone, at 21:00, Samuel Publisher introduced the first catalog of books published from 2008 to 2010. Two series, The Poets of Pordenone, Poetry of the twentieth century, and Scilla Collection, collecting two years of work of the publisher Pordenone. The catalog is enhanced by a photographic image of Mauritius Ceolin, this year to and more specifically to fight graffiti with his job as an image.
The presentation is in collaboration with the association "angle, National Association of healed or Lungoviventi Oncology "which will offer samples of their homemade jams while reading excerpts from books in the catalog by the authors present, and propose a lovely gift idea and the proceeds used to support the association in its activities for patients with cancer.
An event in full accord with the theme of the publisher Profit Dulci, useful and fun, so that poetry is a moment of beauty but also usefulness to society and territory, and follows other activities such as publisher Pordenone the naming of the ladder in lane Water Ettore Busetto, the poetic encounter with the elders of Casa Serena, reading nursery rhymes for children of asylum Fanna.

On this occasion I read.

Counter Offer For Damages Letter Sample

Review The gravity on Literary Criticism

Gravity is reviewed here .

Brown Cabinets Grey Walls

Review of The gravity on the broom

The gravity is reviewed qu i.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Proxy With Stream Support

Blog in Blog ...........

in The Blog blog .... here is practically a blogging beast! this post is no argument and we can use as chat, for any What we want to share! So ... blogging blogging!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Does Cocoa Butter Clogs Pores

Dal M.V. di oggi, mercoledì 15.12.2010

successfully completed games Sforzesco in Milan

We have just concluded tournament damistici placed in the context of traditional games Sforzesco, the event sponsored by 'European University Sports Association and organized by the Mind Kiin Italy - Academy of the Games with the support and patronage of the General Youth Sport, Tourism and Security Lombardy Region and the patronage of the Municipality of Milan. The event, now become a historical view of the innumerable editions carried out, it was in fact demonstrated the ideal accompaniment for the three races of the Italian and international lady held 04:12 to 08:12, in what has been possible for athletes to play in an environment rich in public concerned and intrigued by the disarmingly simple complexity that only game of checkers can offer, considering the prevalence of this popular entertainment. For simple complexity refers to the ease with which any person can quickly learn what the purpose of the game, and his means to achieve results, but much more complicated then reveal the dynamics and patterns of this fascinating discipline, which has billions billions of possible combinations for the classic Italian lady, while the lady goes international title game certainly more complex in the world, always considering in their group. The greater complexity and diversity of the lady in the international system is determined primarily by the fact that è costituita da un maggior numero di caselle (100) e di conseguenza anche di pedine (40) e che la dama può anche essere presa dalle singole pedine, pur quest’ultima possedendo la dote degli alfieri negli scacchi, cioè la capacità di saltare un numero indefinito di caselle sulle proprie diagonali. Tutto ciò favorisce lo scaturire di incredibili combinazioni che rendono affascinante lo studio della tecnica e della posizione in gioco. Tornando invece ai giochi di Milano, vera ultima sessione agonistica della stagione, si segnalano due grandi nomi di grandi campioni che in questa occasione si sono confermati aggiudicandosi rispettivamente il XII Memorial Franzioni e la Coppa Città di Milano. Il primo si chiama Marcello Gasparetti del CD Romano, che con 8 punti si aggiudica la gara di dama italiana superando per quoziente il Grande Maestro Daniele Bertè ed il Maestro Bresciano Diego Signorini. Penalizzato dal quoziente, ed a un solo punto di distanza si posiziona 5° il Grande Maestro Mario Fero, Campione Italiano in carica. Il secondo illustre nome invece, è quello di Eusebio Cabral de Brito Matos, che nella gara a sistema internazionale precede tutti a quota 7 punti, aggiungendo la ciliegina sulla torta del 2010, che lo ha reso indubbiamente uno dei protagonisti assoluti di questa disciplina. Nel contesto milanese, si sono svolti inoltre i primi campionati italiani a coppie di dama internazionale, vera novità di quest’anno. Ad avere la meglio è stato il duetto composto dal Grande Maestro Daniele Bertè ed il compagno, il Maestro Roberto Tovagliaro. Vediamo infine nel consueto schema, un finale di dama italiana in cui il bianco muove e vince. (Soluzione: 15-11 24-6 25-21 19-28 21-5 30-23 5-2 8-15 2-18 28-23 18-22 23-20 22-19 20-24 19-23 B.V.)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Old Version Of Aaa-logo

Dal M.V. del 08.12.10

Didattica damistica, Franco Manetti di Livorno svela i segreti

Per gli appassionati della tecnica agonistica si dedica con la rubrica odierna, uno spazio riguardante le più belle partite giocate nei campionati italiani assoluti, trovate ed analizzate dal maestro bresciano Pierluigi Perani. Vediamo una brillante partita giocata al campionato assoluto di Marghera (2003) tra i maestri Franco Manetti di Livorno and Leopold Duo 'in Rovigo. Before analyzing the game is proper to make a brief presentation of the great champion Manetti. Born in 1948 in Pisa, Livorno resides in more than 40 years. Start playing checkers in 1963 at the Circle polygraph. In 1964, at age 16, wins Albissola Marina (SV), the Italian Junior Championship. In those years in Livorno Manetti had the opportunity to investigate further by playing with great players of national importance, just think of the great Piero Piccioli, Italian Championship for 7 times, the Italian Championship in 1964 Manlio Ganni, the great theorist Arturo Gennari, Vestri the Master, and Master Greganti, and many other great players at that time, attending the club Livorno damistico as Gennari Luciano, G. Franco Mariani, these are still operating. Salt faster category winning several races at the point of being upgraded to a national bypassing at the foot of the then regional category. Manetti 's the only team member to be present in all editions of Livorno won by the team, including the one just passed in Palermo. In 1984 he won in Sardinia Quartu S. Elena (CA) for posting the Italian Championship of Candidates for the Masters, thus earning the title of Master in the field. Since 1985, he was almost always present at the Italian Championship (part 16 times) for getting twice 'for Oscar the best match played during the 'arc of an entire season (1985 - 1988) In 1988 the Italian Championship is in third place with the same score as the first. Manetti has won numerous national competitions including the prestigious Viareggio Burlamacco Trophy (won in three editions) that participated in the most titled Italian players, the Coppa Città di Pontedera (three editions), the race Monsigliolo (PG) and others. He also won twice the 'City of Perugia Cup important national race lasting two days. At the Italian Championship in 2002 was ranked the fifth place. All this without considering that Franco Manetti is the coach, if one can define, or rather the most faithful companion of the Great Teacher Michele Borghetti, the greatest player of all time, now new challenger for the world title in English lady. The match in question stems from the opening 42 but considered slightly favorable to black edition of the Italian championship which records from which it was extracted, six wins to 2 wins and 3 draws white to black. Let's see: Franco Manetti (White) - Leopoldo Duo '(black) 22-18, 10-13, 27-22, 13-17, 31-27 (a), 12-15!, 23-20, this move to' appearance is rather weak insidious 5-10, 18-13! Forced break, 9x18, 21x5, 1x10, 22-18, 7-12, 26-22 (b), 4-7;. 29-26, 12-16, 28-23 new, 10-14; 18-13, 6-10; 13x6, 3x10, 22-18, 14x21; 25x18, 10-14; (vedere diagramma) A questo punto il bianco muove e vince con 26-22, bellissima continuazione che avvantaggia il bianco, 14x21; 23-19, 16x23; 19x3, 11-14; 27x20, 21-26; 30x21, 17x26; 3-6, 26-30; 6-10, 30-27; 10x19, 27x18; 20-15, 2-6; 15-11, 6x15; 19x12, Bianco vince a) la miglior linea difensiva a disposizione del bianco, tale rottura viene eseguita per contrastare le possibili legature nella zona del biscacco. b) 27-23, 12-16;. 18-14, 10x19; 23x7, 4x11, 26-22, 16x23; 28x12, 8x15; 32-28, 3-7; 28-23, 7-12; 22-18, 12-16; 25-21, 17x26; 29x22, 15-20;. 24x15, 11x27; 30x23, 6-10 pari Roddi - Lo Galbo campionato 1982

Chinook Titan Lodge Tent Review

Dal M.V. del 01.12.2010

Championship Team: Livorno champions Italy

Samples of the circle damistico Livorno Piero Piccioli "are reconfirmed in Palermo Italian champions. The training, led by Captain, GM ° Michele Borgatti, and composed by Marc Fantozzi, Franco and Alessandro Manetti Malott, ahead of the competition by winning all matches, even with three points separating the second place, the excellent Messina. The prediction was thus fully confirmed, although having just finished the edition of the news has proved in some ways less competitive than previous editions. Much has been affected by the proximity with absolute individual championships, which have just been played in Puglia. This, however, detract from Livorno, who are not text, as in the opinion of many the best team ever. Returning to chronicle the event, the CD Piccioli Livorno with seven wins from seven games final 14 points, down in its fed another Scudetto Team honors. Second place went to the team of DLF Messina, who gained 11 points and the podium with Palermo 2, which closes at 9 points. This is the final standings: 1, ASD CD Livorno Piero Piccioli, "p. 14/14, p. 2 ° ASD DLF Messina 11, 3rd ASD CD "Palermo 2" p.9; 4 ° ASD CD "Paul Ciarcià" p. 7, 5 ° ASD Checkers Club Pordenone p. 6:52, 6 ° CD Cosenza p. 6.48; 7° ASD DLF "Messina 2" p. 6.41; 8° ASD CD "Palermitano 3" p. 5.54.22; 9° ASD CD Palermitano p. 5.54.21; 10° ASD CD "Paolo Ciarcià 2" p. 1. Degna di nota invece la prestazione della formazione del Circolo Damistico “Dama Club” Pordenone, che eguaglia il 5° posto ottenuto da Tolmezzo nell’edizione ’08. Pordenone ottiene così uno storico risultato, che onora il Friuli Venezia Giulia e la propria squadra, composta da Matteo Santarossa, Michele Gaiarin, Mariano Dall'Asta ed Emilio Nadal. Ha diretto il Campionato Benito Cataldi coadiuvato da Domenico Alioto e Salvatore Lo Faso. La premiazione, contraddistinta dal rituale Inno Nazionale, è stata preceduta dai controlli antidoping curati dal medico sportivo indicato dal CONI di concerto con il Presidente della Commissione Medica e Antidoping della FID, dott. Gaetano Mazzili, e con il responsabile organizzativo e Delegato Regionale prof. Severino Sapienza Sorteggiati Franco Manetti ed Alessandro Malotti della squadra prima classificata e Francesco Gitto della seconda classificata. Nel frattempo a Tolmezzo, si sono svolti i campionati provinciali di dama internazionale, ultima competizione locale per quanto riguarda il calendario ufficiale FID. Ad aggiudicarsi la gara, il grande Walter Zorn, triestino, tesserato con il CD “Bruno Marini” di Tolmezzo. Per quanti non lo sapessero, Zorn è stato campione italiano assoluto di questa specialità nell’anno 1977. Segue in seconda Position the new champion of the Italian Group 3, Julie Jacob, who confirmed its brilliant moment of form. Of note, the lady always respect international participation of the brilliant Maestro Walter Zorn Bliz the tournament a couple of weeks ago in Ljubjana (SLO), where a perfect score wins the race, beating the Dutch master Bart Stegeman and Slovenian Luciano Sulin. Carnia will start soon in the tournament of traditional Italian bar lady, which this year will reach the 33 th edition. Finally we see in the diagram, a combination of Italian lady in white in the winning move. (Solution: 18-20 19-23 10-5 9-11 23-14 13-17 14-18 17-21 18-25)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fractured Cheekbone Protection

Question - A poem

I wrote some time ago. Given the coming days, I decide to publish it:


chew boluses of sausages in the embers of the faces
because the wind has changed, you need to clear weeds from the garden

to support the Canadian
smile with
words cut waste, make, love, freedom. What

tell when everything is finished, then comes the beautiful

remember the faces and speeches.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Build A Sausagestuffer

The place that is not there - Readings Cescon, Garlini Marcuzzi

Saturday, December 4 at 20:45, in, there will be a reading The place that is not - Paths narrative between past and future. in particular, will be present Ado Scaife, which interacts with maps of the area (agora - 3rd floor), and Alberto Garlini, Simone Marcuzzi and Roberto Cescon, who told the city (in) visible (Great Hall - 2nd floor)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Orion Gate Brampton Price

Dal M.V. del 24.11.2010

Mario Fero is reconfirmed champions Italy

Also this year the season is drawing to a close, thus emitting the first important verdicts, which will be final until December, when besides the individual samples, which will be established among the strong contenders for the next championships in Palermo, will be the new champions of Italy. We have just concluded the Italian championships on absolute fact, 2nd and 3rd group of Italian lady, very well organized by Claudio Siciliano, president of CDS put (LE) and provincial trustee FID. The games were hosted at the Hotel Terminal in Santa Maria di Leuca, which also belongs Castrignano of the Cape, in the province of Lecce. Therefore supported by the stunning backdrop of the beauty of Puglia, the damisti could give the best of them during the sixteen intense shifts that have characterized the group of the absolute. After an exciting heads-up began almost immediately and lasted till the end between the Italian champion, Mario Fero GM and GM already Italian champion Mirco De Grandis, to get the better result is once again, the sixth to be exact , the more experienced Mario Fero, who claimed as dowry solver his temper calm and lucid, that at this level, having a lot of pressure with which to contend, is not a trivial account. Championships that are played exactly on the subtleties, sui caratteri, e sui momenti di forma più o meno fortunati, perché è doveroso dirlo, a questo livello, la differenza tecnica tra i primi è davvero impercettibile. Grandi menti, capaci di lunghe ore di riflessione, in completa solitudine, dove solo la pace con se stessi, la propria autostima e il proprio temperamento accompagna loro, i damisti, protagonisti assoluti di questo magnifico ed appassionante mondo più prossimo ad una dimensione spirituale e filosofica che terrena. A tutti loro, artefici di questi sport minori e poco seguiti dalle luci della ribalta, ha portato un sincero saluto il Grande Maestro Michele Borghetti, reduce dalla travolgente esperienza al campionato del mondo di Dublino, che per quanti non lo sapessero, ha conquistato the right to play the match for the world title, moving itself to the history of Italian damismo. The great teacher, however, attended the event, playing in the flash category flash and seeds, and obtaining a first and a second place for quotient. Returning to the charts, then second place for the GM Mirco De Grandis, only to contend for the title until the last third Signorini, who together with Diego De Grandis Maijnelli and went undefeated. In the second group (standard time) came in third while Sandro Chieregato group won Luca Iacovelli, to quotient on the grass. On the afternoon of November 13 were held in the Italian Championships and Lightning RAPID precisely with the presence of the challenger in pectore Title to the World "3-Move" GM ° Michele Borghetti. Italian Champion Lightning Fancesco Gitto. Italian champion Michele Borghetti RAPID GM °. The focus then moves to the next team of Palermo Italian championships to be held this weekend. Finally here in the usual pattern of a final where the white lady Italian moves and wins in three moves over the ending. (Solution :15-11 8-24 11-27 29-31 23-20 bv)

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Dal M.V. del 17.11.2010

world title of lady, Borghetti there.
Her name is Michele Borghetti, the great master in Leghorn that early 2011 will challenge Alexander Moiseyev, the Russian world champion, naturalized americano. Si pensava che il torneo di Dublino, un torneo tra i candidati al titolo mondiale, avrebbe dato ancora una volta campo libero al fortissimo giocatore delle Barbados Ron King per disputare l’ennesimo match tra i due fuoriclasse della dama inglese. Invece il nostro pluricampione di dama italiana e internazionale Michele Borghetti ha rotto loro le uova nel paniere riuscendo a strappare negli ultimi due turni in un finale al cardiopalma la qualificazione a sfidante ufficiale del Campione del Mondo. Nel 2011 infatti, ci sarà la sfida tra il Campione del Mondo di dama inglese Alex Moiseyev e l’azzurro Michele Borghetti. Dal 1847, anno in cui si disputò il primo match mondiale di dama inglese, per la prima volta nella lunga storia delle sfide a livello Intercontinental, you will see an Italian player to challenge a representative of the Anglo-Saxon damismo in a match that to the lady could have the same value in 1972 was that the clash between Fischer and Spassky chess. The Italian damismo could find new life and, paradoxically, even our Italian lady could come into play in the world. Returning to chronicle the event, when everything seemed to complicated, full style Miche Borghetti, took out a stroke of genius, typical of the Grand Master of Livorno, and the "king" Ronald King, even for quotient is exceeded, and after decades It will then split the series that saw sitting at the world title contenders Alexander Moiseyev and Ronald King. But we must go in order. Dopo la prima giornata R. King e Bashim Durdyev comandano la classifica a 7 p.ti, seguiti da S. e M. Mc Cosker e dall'Azzurro Michele Borghetti a 6 p.ti, a solo un punto dalla vetta, seguiti da diversi giocatori a 5 punti. Dopo tre turni R. King a10 p.ti, M. Borghetti 9 p.ti, Bagyiyar Durdyev, M. Holmes e S. Mc Cosker 8, Hannihan e Owens 7, etc. Nel quarto turno il Gran Maestro italiano affronta il campione delle Barbados: Borghetti contro King, l'incontro più atteso del challenger, forse quello decisivo, finisce 2 a 2: nella prima partita dopo un buon avvio Borghetti deve cedere ma nel ritorno rischia, forza, va all'attacco ed alla fine riesce a piegare Ron King, cosa possibile a pochi al mondo. Nel quinto turno Tovagliaro ha affrontato King, strappando un punto (finisce 1-3) e Borghetti si supera rifilando il suo primo 4-0 alla Durdyeva e balzando in vetta alla classifica. Nel sesto turno King batte Holmes (4-0) mentre Borghetti supera Webster (3-1). Nel settimo turno King pareggia con Schwatrz (2-2) mentre Borghetti cede a Mc Cosker (tentando il tutto per tutto per agganciare nuovamente King, ma alla fine è 1-3). In classifica R. King a 21 p.ti, M. Borghetti a 19 p.ti, Mc Cosher a 19. Tutto ancora è possibile visto che nell'ultimo turno King affronterà proprio Mc Cosker. Il GM° Michele Borghetti è la vera grande sorpresa del torneo, e l’unico in grado di contrastare King, questi i commenti degli addetti ai lavori. Si rivela infatti costante il ritmo del GM Michele Borghetti (1 Tovagliaro 3-1 in first round, 2nd round 3-1, 3-1 3rd round, 4th round 2-2 with King, 5th round 4-0, 3-1 Round 6; score: 7V 4N 1P), more ups and downs but bravo maestro Roberto Tovagliaro (1-3, 4-0, 4-0, 2-2, 1-3, 1-3; 4P 5V 3N). Two rounds (double) from the end there are only two players capable of contending for the title: King and Borghetti, and everything is still open, as he commented the President of the World Confederation damistica Hugh Devlin, after 4 rounds. In the last round is the best. King is 2-2 with McCosker, Michele Borghetti trim a 4-0 to his opponent, taking the two-point lead and wins quotient. The following words of President WCDF Hugh Devlin, a simple Translation: "1st 23pts M. Borghetti (SB 417), R. King 23pts 2nd (SB 412), 3rd S. Mc Cosker 20pts. Congratulations to M. Borghetti on winning the 2010 overall QT and HAVING the right to challenge for Alex Moiseyev 3 Move the World Championship Title. " Finally we see in the diagram a combination of Italian lady where white to move and win. (Solution: 18-21 25-18 11-7 18-11 28-24 27-18 19-14 10-19 24-20 10-10 20-15 11-20 2-5 4-11 5-30)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Should You Go To The Gym Before Or After A Wax

Berlin Marathon 2010

With just ended in Berlin dispatch Zero Positive confirms its willingness sportiva.Infatti tourism, already the birth of the sports club colors his character: a year ago, in a pleasant little town Member United call New York, four friends found themselves to run the "Marathon" and the pleasant experience was born the idea of \u200b\u200bforming a team. At this year's U.S. trip was followed by participation in another of the "Major", the Berlin Marathon. The city is very different from New York but equally interesting affascinantenon and if only for the history of the last 100 years.
As for the race is to mention the impeccable organization, perhaps even better than in New York ... At least you can stop after the finish line two minutes to catch my breath, while in the Big Apple once you get a human snake of 2 km to reach your bag with change and undress in the cold of Central Park. The Germans, however, give you even a hot shower before their Parliament and beer (alcohol free) at will. Of course, the thrill of the journey before dawn to the departure of Staten Island in New York remains a unique ...
one athletic point of view is a must to mention the results of all: Fabio ends in 2h52'47''
Claudio in 3h01'39''3h51'47 Iacopo in ' ', Iari in 3h57'04''4h08'02''and closes on Thomas. Not denied the fame of the world's fastest marathon: in fact, despite the pouring rain, all of them improved their record, except that Thomas was at his baptism on the distance.
A big applause also goes to our sopporters (yes, yes, sopporters!) Who accompanied us:
Paul, Peter, Sara and Virginia.La trip ended with a three-day Oktoberfest that of Monaco to integrate a bit 'of the fluids lost during the race ... And we have modestly integrated very well! The Positive Zero continues its work and will be presented to the Florence Marathon with 11 athletes (and many sopporters), and in January the famous Snowshoeing in Val di Non

Friday, November 12, 2010

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E 'Grandmaster Livornese the match to qualify for the title

We have hoped for, we have crossed my fingers, we knew that Super "Miki" could make the company, and when all sembrava complicato, in pieno stile Miche Borghetti, ha tirato fuori un colpo di genio, un finale al cardiopalmo tipico del Gran Maestro Livornese... e il "re" Ronald King, seppur per quoziente, viene superato e dopo decenni verrà spezzata la serie che vedeva seduti a contendersi il Titolo Mondiale Alexander Moiseyev e Ronald King. Michele Borghetti regala all'Italia ed alla FID la storia, entrando nell'Olimpo del damismo mondiale, affermando la qualità di gioco dei damisti italiani e dimostrando di essere non solo il più forte giocatore italiano di tutti i tempi (a soli 37 anni) ma anche uno dei più forti giocatori del Mondo... Anche Alexander Moiseyev un po' ci sperava, aveva scritto in questi giorni che era stimolato di confrontarsi con the Italian champion in a game that's typically not (remember that we played the specialty of the English lady, not the Italian), has amazed everyone, but - as we well know - the Italian damisti aware of the enormous talents of Super "Miki". The

WCDF (World Checkers and Draughts Federation) had officially opened the "3-Move Qualification Tournament 2010 (tournament selection, specialty English lady, with three opening moves draw), which was held in Dublin on October 27 end Oct. 30 with the result most beautiful lady in the history of the Italian Federation.
We had established a tournament to remember other times ... and the beauty, the swing dei risultati, la mancanza di notizie (appena un forum saltuariamente aggiornato), ha dato forse ancor più fascino all'impresa coronata dal meritatissimo successo del Gran Maestro Michele Borghetti!

Questo l'andamento degli ultimi turni.

Dopo sei turni il Campione Azzurro, il GM° Michele Borghetti è l'unico in grado di poter contrastare King, riportatosi avanti di un solo punto... Ma dietro King (19 p.ti) e Borghetti (18 p.ti) il vuoto: il terzo in classifica ha appena 15 punti.

Dopo il settimo turno negativo per l'Italia, ancora al comando King a 21 punti (King 2-2 con Schwartz), seguito da Borghetti a 19 p.ti, e da Mc Cosker (che ha battuto 3-1 Borghetti), ma tutto è ancora possibile. Nell'ultimo incontro King affronterà Mc Cosker.
Nell'ultimo turno avviene il meglio. King fa 2-2 con McCosker, Michele Borghetti rifila un 4-0 al suo avversario, recupera i due pundi di distacco e vince per quoziente. Di seguito le parole del presidente WCDF Hugh Devlin, di semplice traduzione:

"1st M. Borghetti 23pts (SB 417), 2nd R. King 23pts (SB 412) , 3rd S. Mc Cosker 20pts. Congratulations to M. Borghetti on winning the overall QT 2010 and having the right to challenge Alex Moiseyev for the World 3 Move Championship Title."
by Hugh Devlin on Sat Oct 30, 2010

Dopo la prima giornata R. King e Bashim Durdyev comandano la classifica a 7 p.ti, seguiti da S. e M. Mc Cosker e dall'Azzurro Michele Borghetti to 6 pts, just one point from the top, followed by several players to 5 points. After three rounds R. A10 pts King, M. Borghetti 9 pts, Bagyiyar Durdyev, M. Holmes and S. Mc Cosker 8, 7 Hannihan and Owens, etc ... In the fourth round of the Grand Master addresses the Italian sample of Barbados: Borghetti against King, the most anticipated match of the challenger, perhaps the decisive one, ends 2 to 2: in the first game after a good start Borghetti has to give in return but may, under , goes to the (as only he can do!) and eventually can bend Ron King, which is possible within the world. In the fifth round Tovagliaro faced King, snatching a point (ending 1-3) and Borghetti is overcome by trimming its first 4-0 (carburizing is) alla Durdyeva e balzando in vetta alla classifica.
Nel sesto turno King batte Holmes (4-0) mentre Borghetti supera Webster (3-1).
Nel settimo turno King pareggia con Schwatrz (2-2) mentre Norghetti cede a Mc Cosker (tentando il tutto per tutto per agganciare nuovamente King, ma alla fine è 1-3). In classifica R. King a 21 p.ti, M. Borghetti a 19 p.ti, Mc Cosher a 19. Rutto ancora è possibile visto che nell'ultimo turno King affronterà proprio Mc Cosker.
Il GM° Michele Borghetti è la vera grande sorpresa in grado di contrastare King, questi i commenti degli addetti ai lavori. Costante il GM Michele Borghetti (1° turno 3-1 a Tovagliaro, 2° turno 3-1, 3° turno 3-1, 4° turno 2-2 con King; 5° round 4-0, 3-1 Round 6; score: 7V 4N 1P), more ups and downs but bravo maestro Roberto Tovagliaro (1-3, 4-0, 4-0, 2-2, 1-3; 1-3; 4P 5V 3N). Two rounds (double) from the end there are only two players capable of contending for the title: King and Borghetti, and everything is still open, as he commented the President of the World Confederation damistica Hugh Devlin, after 4 rounds ... In the last round is the best. King is 2-2 with McCosker, Michele Borghetti trim a 4-0 to his opponent, taking the two of Punda and posting wins quotient. The following words of President WCDF Hugh Devlin, a simple translation:

"1st 23pts M. Borghetti (SB 417), R. King 23pts 2nd (SB 412), 3rd St. Mc Cosker 20pts. Congratulations to M. Borghetti on winning the 2010 overall QT and HAVING the right to challenge Alex Moiseyev for the World Championship Title 3 Move. "
by Hugh Devlin on Sat Oct 30, 2010 ? f = 2 & t = 2144 & sid = & start = 195 122cfcd1a4bcd0f9241bc4634d245e6c

Thursday, November 11, 2010

When Should My Cm Dry Up

From the MV

In quick game title for the 2nd Round

were successfully concluded the Italian championship of checkers international This year the town of Venzone hosted on the proposal of the organizing committee, the club Damistico "Bruno Marini" di Tolmezzo. I giocatori, provenienti da tutte le regioni d’Italia, sono stati suddivisi in base al proprio punteggio Elo Rubele in quattro gruppi, per un totale di quaranta agonisti, tra i più preparati di questa particolare disciplina. Nel gruppo più importante, l’assoluto, il Grande Maestro torinese Walter Raimondi ha dominato il torneo, staccando gli altri giocatori addirittura di due punti, conquistando così il suo ottavo titolo italiano. Raimondi conferma con questa brillante vittoria, il suo smagliante stato mentale, dimostrando ancora una volta di essere il giocatore più forte di questa disciplina. Secondo posto per il Grande Maestro Daniele Bertè del C.D. Savonese, che reduce dalla medaglia d’argento agli europei under 60, was able to keep up with the winner, and jump over the now former champion Italian, Trieste Luca Lorusso. In the second major victory for the Cagliari group Lussorio Intilla Sanluri the CD, which with 15 points off the CD Marco Capaccioli Banca Toscana Section Checkers and Stefano Valentini CD Adamello. Excellent performance for the Pordenone Santarossa Matthew, who finished the race just one point from the third, is close to the podium and paid a series of small errors that penalize the final classification. In the third group fought the vicious damistico Tolmezzo fills up and wins the entire podium, electing to winner Julie Jacob quotient gets the better Massimo Volpi. Third place with one point from first to John Urban, who becomes the protagonist of a performance is really important, as having been fished out of the fourth group, started in theoretical disadvantage with many of his challengers. Obtains promotion to the Regional category. Jacob Julian is proper to make a well-deserved brackets as a reminder that the region is the only player to have won the title of the third series both Italian and international lady. The fourth group is conquered by the club Udinese damistico, Giampietro Collavizza in the person of that race with a carefully before Joseph Finch of Campagnola and Checkers Club Franco Zanussi CD Tolmezzo. On Sunday afternoon, have also played the Italian championships flash and RAPID, where he had the opportunity to try the President of the Region, and President of the Italian Federation of Checkers, Renzo Tondo. Well, despite being away from the game for a long time, the President has managed to win the Italian title of the category, pulling the talented Simone Pagani CD already Bresciano and Italian champion Pablo Zanussi. For round this is his second championship in the game fast, which is supplied to extend its series of successes. As for the absolute, is always the showman Raimondi of the tournament, in fact, succeeding in the difficult business of winning and also the categories RAPID lightning. The prizes for the Italian champion was attended by the local authorities e la vedova del Maestro Bruno Marni di Tolmezzo, che assieme agli arbitri Cosimo Crepaldi, Rosa Aglioti e Maurizio Redivo hanno dato vita alla cerimonia di chiusura. Vediamo come di consueto una bella combinazione di dama internazionale, dove in questo caso dopo poche mosse di apertura il bianco muove e approda a dama, ipotecando così una probabile vittoria. (Soluzione: 26-21 17-26* 32-28 23-32 37-28 26-46 29-23 18-29 34-5 la dama deve ora mangiare il pezzo bianco sulla diagonale, diventando però, ovunque casella occupi dopo la cattura, preda della dama avversaria. * oppure 16-27 32-21 17-26 33-28 23-32 37-28 26-46 29-23 18-29 34-5……)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Palpatations In Toddler

Ciaspolada 2011

As announced on January 6, go to the Fund (in the true sense of the word) to Ciaspolada , densely populated racing snowshoes, near Trento. We are trying to organize the trip, so we'd love to know who is going to come and if you prefer to book yourself or rely on "tour operator" of the positive zero. In the latter case, check out the prices below and let us know what you prefer, we will try to accommodate most requests and we will sapere.Chi is interested in our organization is good that he gives notice as soon as possible, why book for 10-15 people is not always easy and it is good move for tempo.Fateci know even if you intend to stay the night just to fund before the race or if you want to use the opportunity to make a little holiday of 5 / 6 days with the possibility of skiing in the Alps also will try to inform us even on a cross country course ...
It is said that everyone should stay in an apartment or hotel in all, it is good that everyone goes where he pleases, nor that it is all 2 days rather than 5. Everyone has their own requirements, especially on vacation must respect them, however, from experience, we can now say that the away team is very fun and relaxing. So, we are that by Friday, October 22 we do know if you are interested in what I hope that at least two days (starting on 5 evening and return on the afternoon 6) interest many ...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Watch Bible Black Sub

The severity and Friday 22 to Pisa

Friday, October 22, 2010 at 18.00 at the Relais Villa Corliano dell'Ussero in to San Giuliano Terme (Pi) there will be an evening dedicated to the Scylla of Poets Samuel publisher, curated by Valeria Serofili. Speakers Alessandro Canzian, Roberto Cescon, Maria Luigia Longo, Federico Rossignoli.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Build A Pvc Sausagestuffer

Gravity October 3 to Librincantina ( Susegana) The seriousness

Sunday, October 3 at 12:00 pm at the library hall of the Castle of Susegana (Tv), the exhibition of small and medium publishing Books Winery will host the presentation of the book of poems "The severity of the threshold" by Roberto Cescon, published this year as the ninth volume of the series of Scilla Samuel Publisher . "What immediately in the verses to persuade Roberto Cescon has left the dryness of tone. Runs in her poems a sort of resentful mood, energy, compressed at times, however, know to occur in dark moments and images of violence, which is littered with the rest of this book. It is then, those images, those rough figures often sketchy, as authentic tearing as in authoritative preface says Maurizio Cucchi. And yet "Verses hard, uneven, with a syntax that goes with sobs and sometimes derailed by strict criteria, to indicate that there is a true rule in life that things happen that do not relate to happy event, but a random occasions. "Ottavio Rossi writes in the blog of the Corriere della Sera. Rapporteur of the exception will be the poet and critic Mark Marangoni. The volume today was read in a preview PordenoneLegge, Aviano, Pordenone during the events of the summer at the Literary Cafe Samuel Publisher Al Convento, in Trento, the House of Poetry in Milan next to the reading of Giancarlo Majorino, Tomaso Kemeny, Mario Santagostini . During the presentation, the poet will read excerpts from the book.

Sunday, October 3, 2010, 12.00
Susegana (TV), 2-3 October 2010


Presentation of the book "The severity of the Threshold
Roberto Cescon (Samuel Publisher)
by Marco Marangoni

Monday, September 27, 2010

Shampoo Like Thermasilk

Tuesday at the House of Poetry (Milan)

Tuesday September 28 from 20.30 to attend a reading at the House of Poetry Milan.
These coordinates: L

a compass rose poets

evening by Amos Mattio

involving Giancarlo Majorino, Tomaso Kemeny, Vivian Lamarque, Mario Santagostini

The "compass rose"
Enza Armiento
Brigid Elizabeth Camillo Befani

Alessandro Luigi Broggi
Alessandro Canzian
Roberto Cescon
Marina Crown
Manuela Dago
Alberto Figliolia
John Gardella
Maurizio Gramegna
Maria Luigia Longo
Marina Lucio Tosi Mayoor
Paul Pezzaglia Barbara Pini
John Schiavon Alberto Campo

Friday, September 24, 2010

Car Batteryamp Hour Rating

A meeting in Krk

Last August we spent a few days in Croatia. A normal low cost holiday (see the paradise of beer: € 0.5 to 2 ...).
would have been a normal holiday, in fact, had it not been for a special meeting and unexpected.
Now I have told ...

The start of something

He says absently, staring at the narrow street corners and small bumps:-We could stop here, there are none.
A low wall of rocks separates the asphalt from the bushes and locust trees, from which the chirp inexhaustible a cicada.
- Come on, stop, it's beautiful.
Because she wants to dive into the water, swim in the amniotic fluid of quell'insenatura where you can see only a few distant human presence. He
approaches. He drove to the cave Biserujka, who have seen the night before on a flyer. But when they arrived was already closed and there was no way to wrest an exception to the caretaker. So I'm back in the Mogi point, the road back.
set out with backpacks among the sharp rocks, smaller and smaller as you approach the shore. They smile because Anna was right, the beach is just for them. They strip, wearing plastic shoes to extricate the seabed. In front there is the creek where the water, brushed by a breeze perfect, it is collected away from the noise of the besieged towns across the island.
Anna goes on to give the momentum and swimming. It's hot, he says. He remains behind, as usual, the water reached to his costume, he can not swim, the fear that the water does not put the trust takes precedence over your feet off the ground. Know what you're losing, but is resigned to prove every time that pang of regret. He dives a little to the neck, gritting his teeth for the thermal, then go underwater with your head, hold your nose. When re-emerges, sees water fish that draw trajectories lightning image of his face tanned and with less hair. Then Anna looks more and more off and decided to return to shore, trying not to trip over the rocks.
While waiting, lights a cigarette, breathing in the silence. In the lead overlook words that is working. Should take the paper and pen in the bottom of the pack or risk losing them.
Meanwhile she is back, has a big smile as his face and says you are well off, there are no currents. Is wrapped in orange cloth and dries a bit '.
He points to a point on the other side of the creek: I wonder- how to get there. It must be even better.
remain so to fix the strip of land swallowed up after a dusty corner of the stain. They talk of the day, who knows how it will be dinner, Anna is terrified of garlic, hangs in the restaurant the same smell that stench from the apartment comes to the Tunisians for their landing. It is a time when all things seem to have their place: the sun low in the cloudless sky, the wind gusts that dries the costumes, the last sips of warm water bottle, their talk about the things caught by a bottomless pit, because maybe there's a fine, just do not want it.
After some time, decide to return, otherwise it will end up over dinner, given the slow pace with which juggles the cooks in the kitchen. So start to finish with gestures tested. He would like to say that tomorrow, instead of fighting through the crowd in August, could return there, he read in peace, you do a long swim. They could also go there forever, if possible.
When I almost reached the point, they see a couple of gentlemen, which are also about to leave. They're coming out of a nearby road, closed by a rusty gate. For their feet are tired and safe, driven by patient perseverance that comes from the seasons. Say out loud the next time you go there. Their Emphasis is Trieste, Istria speak the dialect.
Anna is the first approach, asking where the road leads through the gate. The man replies that what they said because they heard them speak in Italian. The lady explained that it is state land, the cows graze, bathe those who live in the country.
- You are from here? - Asks the boy.
- Yes, of Cyzicus.
The two young men are some clumsy attempts to pronounce that word, Vizici, Cicivi, Civic. They laugh all four.
The Lord sits in the driving seat, puts his arm up to the door and asked:-Where are you from?
- from Pordenone.
- While we were those parties, Trst
... Since the atmosphere of the place is really charming, the boy comes to mind to ask them if they know someone who rents rooms and apartments.
She is quick to say yes, then, lowering her husband, whispers something in Croatian. He responds with dry monosyllables. Then turns again to the two young people:-We too flat. This year we have not hired because we were bad. But next year, who knows ...
Anna smiles and asks if they can give their phone number.
She falls back to her husband and whispers something. He rummages in the dashboard and a piece of paper and a pen, while writing on the thigh lean, repeats the address and numbers 520,654.
's going to lengthen the paper when his wife interrupts the gesture, saying:-L 'apartment is beautiful, the place is quiet. Here now all rented apartments.
- We like it here - it echoes Anna.
The boy asks their names.
- Nadia.
- Branko.
- We Anna.
- ... And Roberto.
The lady down and his eyes are swelling in an unexpected jolt of pain, maybe that day was pressed back into muted:-I also had a son named Robert. The husband
bows his head, shaking his large straw hat faults, as if the severity of memory also attracted him to the dizzy of the earth. And now there was a whole work to do the same, bandage the wound, to straighten the bow.
not know what to say, Anna and Robert. They are there with that pain that is cast by the words and do not know where to go, but certainly not coming back in as easily.
There is only time to watch their eyes bright and evasive, to slide in the space of half sorry, to hear a push to those two figures as the biggest myths that lurk behind the normal pains of gestures, a persistent pain, tragic, because it should never happen that a parent survives the death of his son.
greet each other with kindness and embarrassment, as if one side wanted to escape all confident in their corners, the other to stay, because that is something that can not be stopped and why, scaled the wall, along the wave is less impetuous. Branko
a last gesture with his hand and start by raising a little dust.

Roberto and Anna stay with their faces in the eye. She looks at Robert and began to cry, saying poor people, what happened. And Magone creeps all night, at dinner, strolling among the elbows in the streets of Crikvenica, between platoons of German tourists and crowded stores. Does not go away, endures.
- We must do something - says Anna floodlit on the waterfront - if we make sense of the meeting today.
- I say we go - Roberto whispers - we have the address. Hands in his pockets and his gaze to the boats waiting for the next excursion. An upbeat music coming from the dock.
- We need to bring something, because they remember us. " Because we certainly will remember them.
- flowers?
- A photo of us.
- write something ... And - like the idea Roberto. Anna has a gift, manages to talk about things.
They choose the image of the two of them at the entrance to the North Cape, on their honeymoon, the year before. It's better than where they came from. Padded jackets in the midnight sun, a smile stretched from the icy wind. Roberto maintained with the iPhone to some other, every now and still looks. The
leading to the development in the one photo shop still open.

the way now know it, is like the thread that retracts into a coil. You get to Krčki Most, you pay the toll, continue for a few kilometers until you see the cave. The road is a long coil without the centerline. At a crossroads on the left and right down to the cave rooms are at Cyzicus, along a gravel road on steep slopes.
must find the house, have the address. They asked a lady with glasses sitting under the pergola. When you hear people who are looking for, offers to accompany them. She drives sent because he knows the way, while Robert is in trouble along the way more and more narrow. In short
are in front of a gate opened and a small garden with roses and an unripe persimmon tree. Branko out from the house. That put her hand on his forehead, a shovel, because it has against the sun. Exit also
Nadia, with a floral pinafore.
recognize them and smile, are steps towards the point. Roberto
off the car with the photo. Anna first suggested not to stop, not to bother, just give the photo of the meeting and thank them. Branko approaches, greets him in his eyes read the surprise and delight, he tells you we took a picture, we thought about what happened yesterday and we would like to leave a memory, but now we go away immediately. Nadia says joking do not take the photos if you do not enter the house at least a moment. Then
park. Greets the lady with glasses and starts again. He seems to have wanted to make sure that all was well.
They enter the tavern, which was once the cellar, when Branko had the screws. But now it's too much work and buys wine from a friend.
Nadia makes them sit down and say that yesterday kept thinking I wonder if they'll see if they will return. Branko smiles and offers of wine with Robert, uncorking a bottle that is already on the table. Anna just wants a bit 'of water. Nadia apologizes, has nothing to offer. Roberto
stretches the picture and tries to explain again the magical aura that is imprinted in their minds the day before.
after watching them for a while, Nadia sighs and says, today we went to the beach, hot weather, this year we were wrong. Then his eyes slowly oscillate from the picture with Robert and picks up where they left the day before, "says my son has been missing recently, his voice is a cable that vibrates more and more serious, was a lawyer, worked in Rijeka, was to visit us every Friday, also had the girl, but was not satisfied with the work, had lost weight, had always a sore head, I always go to show you Roby, one day went to the emergency room and they found cancer in the brain, has happened in a month.
Branko is setting the tendons of the hand rough on the table, in addition to Christmas was here on January 18 and was gone.
is so, in silence, to stop the tears, especially Branko, who wants to look the stronger of the two, so that strives to change the subject, says things are bad, we have suffered, but we must go forward, even if it is fresh, use precisely this term, which seems to refer to a paint that will not dry and perhaps a collapse of rock in a landslide. It marks a proverb Istria, which is more or less die, but never give up.
ask the two young people what their job, where they come from exactly. Nadia says that her aunt lived in Mestre, after the war, was a refugee. Branko has been a journalist for forty years in Rijeka, from about twenty years he returned to his country, in the house where he was born. He writes, was recently published his latest novel, Masters and Master, which was presented to the party Dobrinj, the largest country around there.
- My own book was published recently - says Roberto.
- What to write? - Calls Branko, whose eyes lit up.
- Poems. But not only ...
Nadia takes a look at Anna and said poor, I understand you. They all laugh.
- I too have begun with the poems, then I wrote novels and a vocabulary of the dialects here, it was a work of years.
- The father of Anna is interested in dialects and wrote the history books.
There are too many coincidences, too many threads that are woven and knotted casually lives. Yesterday at this time were gaining a place to hang out the towels in the strip of beach full of Malinska. If they had not made a detour to the cave in the afternoon would not be here, they would take the sun until sunset eating fruit and bread sticks and would not have heard these stories, which fill the air damping of the tavern and go do something more between the bodies of words.
Anna asks if they have other children.
- One, the largest - Nadia meets - is a widow, her husband died in the last war.
The last war ended for them in 1995, for the young is the second world war. It is as if there were two lines of time on shore events which belonged to different generations. An uncle of his grandfather Robert was killed in the war, a distant relative of Anna was shot by the Germans. The son of Nadia and Branko died in the war twenty years ago. It is strange to think that could have happened again and remember that today is so blurry that war, reducing the causes of the melting pot of races held in hand by Tito and then exploded in a way unheard of.
Her daughter is away, has children, you do not see often. So they
are here in the birthplace of Branko, and must fight against the noise of the memories in the days roll by opening wounds that they might not even have plans to close because it is too dense and too little acute courage to turn the page, because it is a tragedy that has split their little lives and forces them to live, despite everything.
- I'll show you the apartment - Nadia says, rising from his wooden chair.
While climbing stairs, talking about the hot sultry little luck, but you always speak as if the existence of those details that have created openings. Nadia is confused and calls the young Roby.
The apartment is spacious, has two bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen, air conditioning, another room full of books stacked to the ceiling. - I Branko - he says - put them here because there's nowhere else. When
fall, he went to pick up a copy of his book. He wrote a dedication in Croatian, Thanks for the pleasant meeting. Heart.
Roberto looks long in his eyes thanked him. They are as deep as a clear sea, and he now wants to remove his feet from the bottom to enter the arms, they give a glimpse worlds and memories, stir in the struggles of life, but they seem happier, they are almost to thank him, because this meeting is good for everyone, is the beginning of something is sure to be hoped that until the end.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Itech Envy Goalie Mask

Gravity PordenoneLegge Thursday. The severity

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What Do The Colours Of Recycle Bins Mean?

Sunday 29 from Zaro

Sunday 29 at 21.00 at the farm at Zaro's Canebola Faedis (UD) will present the Port of Benandanti the anthology Night di_versi 2009. At that time I read it.
They say you eat too well.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thick Discharge Cycle

Saturday, August 7 - The severity at the Cafe literary

Saturday, August 7, 21.30

The Poets of Scilla: Cescon, De Vos, Longo.

Musical accompaniment:
Federico Rossignoli (classical guitar)
Teodora Tommasi (Celtic harp and singing)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How Do I Get A Boston Marathon Jacket


Friday, August 6 will be held at the park of an evening dedicated to Cormor Poets of Scilla Samuel publisher. Speakers authors Cescon, Cupani, De Vos, Longo, Rossignol, Trentin.

The program will be the following:

Introduction Music Federico Rossignoli

20:20 hours
Editor's Introduction

at 20.30
Roberto Cescon reading from "The severity of the Threshold

20:40 hours reading Cupani Guido from "The happiness"

at 20:50
reading of Arnold de Vos from "Stagliano"

at 21.00
reading by Maria Luigia Longo Landscapes time "

Federico Rossignoli reading from" The rain engraved "

21:20 hours
Alberto Trentin reading from" The Voice of the fathers "

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Get Ticker Symbol List

Masters at home. Memory with no regrets to overcome the disease of displacement

Public preview article on the last Villalta book that will be in the next issue (missed) 's Ippogrifo .

Villalta In this book succeeds in giving shape to the grounds and the pressures of his entire literary experience, combining his poetic narrative and the memory capacity observe the recent history of the area and seizing the roots of his changes.
Why we're all in the Northeast is an unpleasant subtitle certainly seductive, but misleading because it is true that out, sometimes we are perceived this way, and although we may consider the sympathy wasted time, less useful vocation, even querulous, the sacrifices, the reasons for this resentment are other, through the anthropological and social changes of the territory. Beginning with the transition from agricultural to industrial, which marked the end of civilization, defined by Charles Peguy the most important event in history after the birth of Christ . Our grandfathers and our fathers are the last belonging to that civilization, characterized by poverty (linked in turn, says the author, is the historical lack of a proper class businesswoman is a strong political autonomy, as well as a low level of education), but confident in the future. Indeed, this very progress epic, based on work and the ability to produce, has allowed the economic miracle of the Northeast, because the vocation of sacrifice was an instrument of social emancipation and individual freedom. Hence the myth of the Schei, claiming ignorance as opposed to culture, the primacy of doing other forms of knowledge, not understanding that, in fact, knowing how to do was a way to compete with that culture.
In other words, the well-being was not created by bonfires and spun, the tradition of a past now dusted with accents ideological and nostalgic, but by a determination to improve their economic and social life, the poverty of redeeming their departure.
mentioned in the book are so powerfully figurative shapes of factory-worker, who looked after the fields after leaving the factory, even with the blue overalls, craftsmen and many Enci Carniel, able to arrive at the inn with dirty hair of sawdust in his BMW.
is also the 1976 earthquake to set the end of the 'archaic isolation, spoken Piovene during his trip to Italy, el'irruzione of modernity, with industry and agriculture market.

Today this is forgotten, the memory of that world is distorted in the name of this urgency. There is thus removed of illusions and the selection of memories of convenience. The implication is that somehow that reality is replaced by a vision of promotional advertising, made of traditional cuisine and local wines and in which inns have disappeared from the streets, replaced by hostaria site in the most attractive, while the squares are fate bar trying to cover the same function of inns in the past (for some are in fact the 'alternative male work), perhaps to create names like Canton Bar or snack bar at the ricevitorial Curtif.
To reconstruct a narrative of the Northeast, properly reconsider the past is the starting point, necessary to overcome the crisis itself, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future, crushed in a continuous present, on the one hand, forces young people to behave as already adults (as if they do not impose anything as long as they do the same with us), the other creates the syndrome remain young and bright over time, revealing a degree of immaturity not to accept the passing of days.
should instead listen to this through new ways of communication and provide space for exchange, and created an influence, a persuasive I can imagine a future where there is not necessarily room for regrets, because the experience of the past can not be revived and it is therefore unnecessary to address this. The political class
Northeastern far failed to do so, either because the homo of the Northeast in the policy itself is not very important (first of all we must know how to do their job) or only to the extent that s' interesting to improve the economy, and because today does not seem to ask complex questions that can give direction to the territory, as committed to raise popular support in the short term, intercepting his fears. On the other
hand, the deletion of the memory affects the same dialogue between generations. Its cause is not, said Villalta, in the prevailing character of the family modernity, but rather, taking Sloterdijk, the accumulation of a frustration that the media can not find ways to melt, generating resentment and envy. In addition, the information revolution has already marked a generational divide, in the sense of simultaneity and fragmented network of a different perception of communicative relationships.
Moreover, the same psychological amnesia there is also among the literary genres that have not been recognized at least during a blackout for about thirty years, from the sixties to the nineties, and by the generation of Meneghello Zanzotto to that of Bugaro, Covacich shoe.
What should the Northeast obscuration is thus removing the media, which makes it look just like container record, often black, or Sketches in her dialect, or even cultural celebration as proposed (see the historical re-enactments), never as a moment of discussion.
Today, the Northeast has the perception of a u niforme industrialized and urbanized landscape (yes, there are still ghosts of Erto, the hills of Zanzotto or microcosms of Magris, but also leveling, logging, the landfills, the abandonment of houses, churches, the rise of 'modern', the exotic plantations), which is a counterpoint to the Zanzotto , the lament for the unconditional destruction of the landscape, which does not reflect on the causes of change. If
Pasolini in 1975 complained about the disappearance of fireflies, now they are back because different areas along the highways or shopping centers, no longer farmed, were feral. And this is not good. In addition, said Villalta, fireflies have reappeared, but does not see anybody, except maybe the runner, because no one is outside, not even the old, lost before the game shows on TV. Rather
today seems to be gone dark, replaced by a continuity of light populated that, paradoxically, are not able to illuminate the borders of the illness, which suffers from this little compendium of the universe, their study would be necessary to re-creation of a his identity. Here then is that the Northeast could become obnoxious a laboratory of disorientation, a vanguard of that subtle disease that is consuming the whole of Italy .

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Heal Undereye Capillaries

Great radar Pasian di Prato

THURSDAY 'July 1, 2010 at 21:00
comings and goings at the BAR in Pasian di Prato (UD) in Piazza Giacomo Matteotti

things secure

Ostan Pier Simone (vocals)

denis Bertussi (electric bass)

Marco Bizzarri (guitar) Marco Bortolozzo


performance poetry show - musical


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Old House And Constant Sore Throat


I saw in the cloister bleached knot of guys talk about the defeat world.
I have seen students excited about books on the benches with my knees.
I saw the coffee shop with books, voices and encounters.
excited that I have seen children showed new books to mothers.
I saw a guy in front of the laptop connected to wifi.
I saw men and women read magazines and newspapers.

I am proud of my city's library, is truly a place for socializing.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Braces On For 7 Years

The library package The World

We too have given in, cut off from the remarks Saturday night

on advances and channels
constipated world and in the clear. With emphasis

operator proposes offering four options
more World Sports, Cinema or football, your choice. I tell him
Sport, but what is it now?
'News, Documentaries, Music, Entertainment,
Children. I tell him the first four.
"The whole package except the children?"
Yes, everything except the children.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Muslim Phraseb Of Sympathy

Gazzettino on Gravity

I was struck by two points in the article published yesterday on Gazzettino of Pordenone: Title ( stories in verse), attention to social reality. This really means that, once fired from a book are brought to light several sides, which each reader may or may not grasp. Fortunately, these issues are emerging.

This is the article:

collection of stories in verse Cescon

is hot off the press another volume of the series of Scilla Publisher Samuel, born to give voice to selected local poets: "The severity of the Threshold , which collects the poems of Pordenone Roberto Cescon. In addition to having already published poems and stories, to his credit The author also has an essay on Franco Buffoni, considered an artistic father, as well as friend. The simultaneous Cescon states through the selection of a conversational style and a poor language, which finds its poetic inspiration and syntax nell'asciuttezza wrinkled, sometimes broken and hanging, played on a sophisticated use of rhythm and measure. The poet tells little stories, microcosms of lives to witness the social and cultural reality in which we live. In addition to objective data and real scans and scans the effects of social change on people, their thoughts, their lives. Another important element is the landscape, which becomes a party, but also the object of analysis. It becomes the means, almost medium between what is and what is not, making almost history.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Raw Format Point And Shoot Cameras

5-12/7/2010 Poetry Festival - former convent S. Francesco Antonio Spagnuolo

Here are the entries in the Poetry Festival this year. They talk about men, women, time, love, landscapes. They come from different regions of Italy. They write in dialect and language.
Their voices tell a gesture, a moment to suggest a direction to our lives, making them more authentic, with lines hours contracts, now lying down, each with its own peculiarities. They do it with conviction, sorrow, irony, never with resignation, because they know that the road traveled, even difficult, will be the most real, because it is the effort of word that everything can make sense again.

Monday, July 5 21:00

Luca Baldoni / Tuscany
Maurizio Benedetti / Friuli
Guido Cupani / Friuli
John Fierro / Friuli
Ross Renzi / Emilia Romagna
Francis Tomada / Friuli
John Tuzet / Friuli

Teodora Tommasi (Celtic harp)
Federico Rossignoli (classical and baroque guitar)

Monday, July 12 21.00

Massimo Bevilacqua / Lombardy
Natasha Bondarenko / Friuli
Federico Federici / Liguria
Raimondo Iemma / Stefano Lorefice
Piedmont / Lombardy
Silvia Monti / James Sandron
Lombardia / Veneto

Denis Bertussi music (electric bass)
Bizarro Marco, Marco Bortolozzo (acoustic guitar)

Shingles With Elbow Pain

on the severity of the threshold

Antonio Spagnuolo Blog poetrydream has reviewed my collection.
Here's an excerpt: a strange revelation might be reflected in concrete ways shaped with subtle energy, with a syntax that can conceive of surges and tremors, in unstable balance between the everyday and the rigidity of events. The young poet is able to coagulate the hopes, of illusions and metaphors. The writing is diligently to sustained changes in music and fast-paced, almost word for breaks in pace measures that happen to scan and repeats: "The items seized when / day was a way of salvation, / the only one. In the face of those theories / tree rose had a sense then / watch and put them together / but could wounds / skin and chills to hear it / it means to live. "- Appears every glittering representation of experience through a poem for where every sense is provided with a force full of feeling and power, for that light that life tries to give the best spaces.

Dollhouse Computer Game

Presentation Night dell'Antologia di_Versi

Cortino Last night at the Castle of Fratta Fossalta Portsmouth there was the presentation anthology of poets who participated in di_versi Night 2009 (New Dimension / Ediciclo).
E 'was a wonderful evening, organized by the Port of Benandanti, music, poetry and friendship, in a picturesque park.
Among others, they read Franzin, Vit, Tuzet, Simon Ostan, Ferrari and myself.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Safenet Sentinel Dongle Not Working

Rossi ( on Gravity

Ottavio Rossi has reviewed The severity of the threshold on his blog of