Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oven Comes With Broiler Pan

Dal M.V. del 26.01.2011

Andrea Candoni si conferma Campione Regionale
Il Candidato Maestro Andrea Candoni di Tolmezzo si riconferma campione regionale di dama Italiana. Già nella passata edizione fece clamore la sua imposizione, in quanto per la prima volta, dopo 44 anni di supremazia triestina ed udinese, ad aggiudicarsi il titolo di campione regionale assoluto risultò un giocatore del Circolo Damistico “Bruno Marini” di Tolmezzo. Andrea, Federal Councillor and local sports events coordinator, has long been one of the leading players of the club, who together with his colleagues are giving rise to their indispensable contribution to a truly virtuous growth technique. Other important news to come from the regional hosted last Sunday in Pordenone, about yet another player Tolmezzino, the National George Candler, in the second group that has dominated the race. Third group of dedicated expert Adriano Cozzarin Checkers Club Pordenone. After so many years, the regional championship of Italian lady has therefore left Trieste and moved to Zoppola in the province of Pordenone. The organization was entrusted to the young president of ASD Checkers Club Pordenone, Matthew Santarossa, who after winning five Italian titles youth, for some time at a profit is the time to organize competitions and tournaments in the province. Matthew also manages to convey, with commitment and dedication to its young elementary school students "Beato Odorico da Pordenone, the passion for this ancient and noble game. The race was attended by 18 damisti and as many as 25 elementary and middle school children. Deep satisfaction was expressed by the Mayor of Zoppola, Dr. Angelo Mason, present the awards, which eventually said "Santarossa, thanks to his work and that of his collaborators, has rediscovered in our communal reality, the enthusiasm of young people il bellissimo ed istruttivo gioco della dama, a detta di molti, lo sport del cervello”. Giunti anche i sentiti ringraziamenti per l’ottima l'organizzazione della gara, dalla delegazione FID per il Friuli Venezia Giulia, che ha sottolineato anche la disponibilità del Circolo Damistico Triestino, ringraziandolo ufficialmente per i tanti anni di ottima collaborazione, auspicandone ancora altrettanti futuri. Tornando invece ai risultati, si registra la vittoria per quanto riguarda il gruppo delle scuole medie, Francesco Zuccato, mentre nel gruppo elementari formano il podio Daniel Moretto, Tommaso Petris ed Andrea Bastianello. Vediamo infine nel solito schema, una bella manovra di finale dove il bianco muove e vince. (Soluzione: 21-25 20-23 11-15 22-26 25-29 26-21 15-19 23-27 19-22 27-31 29-25 21-17 14-10 31-28 22-19 28-31 19-23 09-13 25-29 13-18 29-25 18-22 25-29 17-21 23-27 21-18 29-26 31-28 26x19 18-14 27-23 14x05 23x32)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Can You Give Oliveoil To A Dog

1° Giornata Torneo dei Bar


Al Poç - Tassotti 23-9
Torrente - Progresso 18-14
Edelweiss - Julia 17-15
Merluzzi - Benvenuto 20-12

Classifica Provvisoria:

Bar Al Poç (Terzo di Tolmezzo) pt 2
Bar Merluzzi (Piedim di Arta Terme) 2
Bar Torrente (Cedarchis di Arta Terme) 2
Pizzeria Edelweiss (Piano d'Arta Terme) 2
Bar Tassotti (Cadunea di Tolmezzo) 0
Progress Bar (Formeaso Tolmezzo) 0
Bar Julia (Gemona del Friuli) 0
Hotel Welcome (Tolmezzo) 0

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hair Colour Conversion Charts

Toreo dei bar 2011 al via

in anticipation of last night held in Gemona to Julia Bar, Pizzeria Edelweiss Plan Arta got the better against the hosts, who have surrendered only at the last turn to the technical preparation of the brothers Volpi. So jump in head dell'Edelweiss men, who now enjoy the games on Saturday, waiting for the team they will go with them to the two points.

We see in the picture of the candidate master Massimo Volpi Pizzeria Edelweiss, the author once again, an excellent performance.

Indiana Power Of Attorney Requirements

Dal M.V. del 19.01.2011

At the start the new season
also welcome the new season with the various provincial championships and regional and international Italian lady that the months of January and February will pay them in all the regions of Italy. In parallel between meat and Gemonese on Saturday next will start the tournament now historic bars in Italian lady, now also the 33 th edition, under the care and organization of the Circle Damistico "Bruno Marini" Tolmezzo. Also this year will vie for the title of the eight teams that were measured in the previous edition, giving a performance that was missing for a long time. In fact, the title he won at the last round, pressing one of the busiest bars in recent years, the Bar "Cod" by Piedim Arta Terme, under the expert guidance of Candidate Master Giuliano Giacobbi, well supported by the National Urban John, by Ivo regional and slave rather Denis and an excellent chess player, now lent to the lady, Giuliano Querini. We talk about the great show that has long lacked uniformity because of the wonderful technique that arose in an exciting and very informative equilibrium, which means the study of hardest part is giving priority to less experienced players through the award of the stronger color, amounted to a due and forced preliminary analysis of the matches, so you can better address. This mechanism will stimulate and encourage the growth of all the technical components of the circle, thus allowing for more experts to best prepare for the difficult future national competitions. In fact, as logical, the results were not long to wait, and as early as February last year, after 40 years of domination in Trieste, was Andrew Candoni Tolmezzo to win the title of regional champion absolute Italian lady. On the other hand, major civilizations have always taught that only evolving from the base of the social fabric, through culture and freedom, we can aspire to an excellent guide to the top of the social pyramid. Very often we are faced with the principles of universality, which in most areas of life can be applied correctly. In life as in checkers must learn to respect the opponent, holding it in the right measure, and trying to overtake only improve ourselves, always with a view to the lady who regularly teaches and requires. Please note that next Sunday will be held in Pordenone the regional championship of Italian lady, valid to 50% for the ELO system. Remember that in the last edition, held in Trieste, as well as the champion of Andrea Candoni Tolmezzo, già menzionato in precedenza, altra notizia importante riguardò Pietro Vidoni, presidente del CD “Bruno Marini” di Tolmezzo che si posizionò secondo assoluto a pari merito con il veterano Silvio Petean. Questa prestazione valse a Vidoni il superamento della soglia dei 3000 punti Elo, che vollero dire il tanto atteso quanto desiderato passaggio alla prestigiosa categoria di candidato maestro. Nel secondo gruppo ancora sorprese. Il nazionale udinese Lucien Zinutti si distinse ancora, e con una lucida quanto brillante prestazione si aggiudicò la gara. Nel terzo gruppo invece trovò onore il circolo dama club Pordenone, che con un Emilio Nadal da 10 e lode portò a casa un’importante vittoria. Vediamo infine nel diagramma, a combination of Italian where the white lady wins a final refined theory. Solution: 13-10 25-21 26-22 21-26 10-05 06-10 14-18 10-06 26x19 01x10 06x15.

Window Suction Cup Vase

Dal M.V. del 12.01.2011

Alexander Dibman among the largest in the world damismo

was in the year 1975 when the twelve year old Alexander "Sasha" Dibman went to the palace of the pioneers of Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, to take care of chess . But it was by chance in the hands of the famous trainer damistico S. Manshin, who, I also started reluctantly damistico in the world, and who later was the architect of the miraculous fate of the sports guy. In fact, a little later over a single season, in Leningrad, had already spread that a new star was born. Little Sasha had become Master, forging ahead with a series of impressive finishes, including that they remember the first ax fair USSR Youth Championship in 1977 and 1978 to 1980 the same result as the first title with spartendosi A. Baljakine and then with E. Watoetin. The year 1980 marks its Measuring-input in the international arena by participating in the World Junior Championships held in Holland in De-LJR, finishing just one point behind behind the winner. The following year in a similar competition between Soviet players shared the title with V. Virna. The ensuing play-off match in Tashkent decreed victory Player Kharkov who became his nemesis. Had finished by the second, his adventure to youth tournaments, already in 1979 when he began to sow panic in the top division, winning a beautiful bronze medal at the Soviet championship held in Odessa. On that occasion he was awarded the nomination for the title of International Grandmaster. In 1983 - 84 - 85 is confirmed sample of the Soviet Union, but was in the autumn of 1986 he was ordained world. With a haul of 28 points on 38 captured in Groningen (Netherlands) the title of World Champion. The following year he defended his title in a match played in the cold against the Irkutsk champion Anatoli Gantwarg, nel quale ne uscì vincitore, tenendosi stretto dunque per la seconda volta consecutiva il titolo iridato. Dopo questa eccezionale affermazione però la sua carriera damistica si è praticamente interrotta, eccezione fatta per una vittoria al torneo internazionale di Minsk del 1992 e qualche sporadica apparizione al campionato per club olandese negli anni seguenti. Attualmente vive e lavora in Germania con la sua famiglia. Damisticamente parlano, Dibman, è stato un giocatore determinante per lo sviluppo della teoria della dama internazionale con le sue idee strategiche che hanno concretamente contribuito alla formazione di molti damisti, tanto che il più volte campione mondiale Ton Sijbrands ha definito recentemente Dibman come il più grande damista of all time. Finally, we see a good final stretch of the famous book specializes in the finals of the Italian lady, called "Maccagni" where white to move and win. (Solution: 04-08 03-07 10-06 16-20 06-02 20-15 02-06 14-19 06-03 07-12 22-27 12-16 27-23 19-22 23-19 BV)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dax Vs Rosje Zomerjam

DireFarePn: an evening of Garlini, Marcuzzi and Cescon

E 'was published the video and the material of the beautiful evening organized at the Palazzo Badini in early December. The address is:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How To Get A Shadow Pikachu Pokemon Platinum

Dal M.V. del 05.01.2011

Nicola Fiabane, the Venetian terrible

damistica The impressive career of the young Nicholas Fiabane, thirty-six hours, he began that he received the definitive turning point in Burano in 1989, the Italian championships in Italian lady. In the race in question, the group of teachers resulted in an odd number, then missed a player to avoid the classic remedy rest with two points each. He began looking for a volunteer (since the regulation allows it) who dared to compete in the higher category. He came out a little boy, just joined the Regional category. He said he was willing to play with the masters. Many people looked at him wrong, but he, quietly, he won against everyone and took home the title. Few of them before then knew who he was or what it was called, but since 1989 all they discovered his name, Nicholas Fiabane of 14 years became the new Italian champion ever. Awesome, did not exist other more appropriate adjective to describe the career of the new number one damistica damismo Italian. Fiabane, was born February 3, 1975, and again currently holds this record, the youngest champion in history. Took his first steps or moves the first pieces to speak in jargon, the walls of the house, as is often the case for many. He began playing the first practice match in just six years, until March 13, 1988 took part in his first race, the Venetian provincial championship in the village of Burano, resulting in a brilliant fourth place immediately. A week later came the famous race of Santa Giustina, in the province of Belluno, and collected his first hit. Later he also won the tournament Bovo, interregional competition of Burano, and two weeks later he was already in Savona to play in the Italian league boys, who won past all well. By now everyone knew that the boy would have his way. It was called the "Venetian terrible," as capable of winning victories, one behind the other, a perfect machine that never jams. In fact, only eleven months after its debut, became Italian champion absolute fact. The boy wonders promised well from the start, with a perfect theory and technique, able to fade in even the most experienced masters of the time. To those who asked what his secret, he said the same thing, "only to have the lady in the head and nothing else." "Usually, he continued, in the afternoon I do my homework and study up alle otto, poi ceno e fino alle 22.30 studio la dama, a casa, sui libri e sulla damiera. Non ho altri hobby, per potermi concentrare meglio ho persino staccato il cavo della tv per non distrarmi” Il campionissimo Nicola, rimase ai vertici della dama italiana fino al 1996, data in cui, dopo aver conquistato il terzo titolo italiano decise di abbandonare la carriera agonistica a soli 21 anni. Ovviamente l’età pretendeva giustamente altre esigenze di vita, di lavoro e di responsabilità, che giudiziosamente sono state ascoltate. Non sia mai che prima o poi possa riprendere il percorso là dove è stato interrotto. Di certo sarebbe un grande rientro per tutta la federazione italiana, e per l’agonismo in generale. Vediamo infine un bel finale tratto dal libro “Maccagni” dove il bianco muove e vince. (Soluzione: 13-10 25-21 26-22 21-26 10-05 26x19 06-10 14-18 10-06 01x10 06x15 B.V.)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Does Dame Mean In Spanish

Buon anno!

Carolina Biological Lab-ap Lab 5

Dal M.V. del 29.12.2010

"I bambini devono giocare a dama"

Lo slogan “i bambini devono giocare a dama” non è un esortazione al gioco o l’incoraggiamento di un appassionato di dama che vuole divulgare questo sport, ma una dichiarazione fatta in una conferenza stampa di quasi 40 anni fa (estate del 1970) dal prof. Carlo Sirtori, l’ allora direttore dell'Istituto Gaslini di Genova e presidente della Fondazione Carlo Erba di Milano. Il fatto che siano passati così tanti anni non cambia il valore delle affermazioni dello scienziato. Disse tra l'altro Sirtori: "Lo studio della personalità ci permette di affermare che il gioco della dama è un ottimo mezzo per valutare lo sviluppo mentale dei bambini. Da analisi statistiche risulta che a 5-6 anni un bimbo normalmente sviluppato dal punto di vista intellettuale, psichico e fisico, è in grado di giocare a dama. Un gioco che egli accetta e poi desidera perché gli dà anche il senso delle prime competizioni, delle prime vittorie, del diventare forte, autoritario. La dama quindi, è un mezzo semplice e sicuro per giudicare i nostri bimbi, una specie di test globale." Ora poiché si conoscono perfettamente the benefits of this "sport of the brain" makes those who practice it remains the question of why is not given then the maximum spread in schools, unlike in other countries. It should however be said that something more has been done by the Italian Federation of Checkers, in collaboration with school administrators, and finally to the famous games that youth are undoubtedly an important first step towards this opening. Through these events we could bring people now stand out even in the best category, but the road ahead is still long and winding. We see the key position in the usual plot of the game analyzed below, just played in recent editions of the Student Sports games, including two of the most promising young people that the Federation has the pleasure to engage. Here comes the nice combination saw that emerges from the opening 49 with a continuing unusual variant that differs from the modern theory. The Game: 22-19, 11-14, 24-20, 9-13, 20-15, 13-18, 21-17, 12-16; classic system that leads to very complicated game known as "symmetrical or" knot "because the black running symmetrically moves of his opponent. Usually in these games are beneficial for the second player to the middle game but usually in the pre - final the situation is reversed, 28-24, 5-9, 26-21, 7-11 here is that here the black rather than continue with the symmetric 7-12 choose to make this attack, and now white instead of responding with the usual cover 24-20 (A) accept the change with a 31-28, 11x20, 24x15, 2 - 5, 28-24, 4-7? (Error decisive see diagram). In the diagram position White is running a nice shot 17-13, 10x26, 29x13, 9x18, 19x10, 6x13, 15-12, 8x15, 23-20, 16x23, 27x4, with the final in favor of White. A) 24-20, 4-7, 32-28, 2-5, 28-24, 9-13, 29-26, 7-12, 27-22, 18x27, 31x22, 13-18, 22x13, 5 - 9, 30-27, 9x18, 26-22, 1-5, 22x13, 5-9, 21-18, 14x21, 25x18, 10-14, 19x10, 12x28, 20-15, 11x20, 24x15, 28-31; 15-11, 31x22, 11x2, 22-19, 2-6, 19-14, 10-5, 14x21; Patta.

Terrible Nausea During Pregnancy

Dal M.V. del 22.12.2010

The verdicts of the season

The year is slowly coming to an end and with it the season has officially set aside for parties and Christmas celebrations. This 2010 was for our region, full of new operational and satisfaction in terms of organization and structure, which together with the pure sports performance of all respect, have good light to the movement damistico Friuli in the eyes of both the Italian Federation of Checkers both in respect of damisti of the peninsula, including the islands. Starting chronologically, the first major race to remember, always in respect of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, is the regional championship held in Trieste Italian lady. Well, after 40 years the title of champion landed Tolmezzo, thanks to the prowess of their chief representative, the Candidate Master Andrea Candoni Tolmezzo and Federal Councillor. A little later in Tolmezzo, the regional championships were held in international checkers, where a proper "level playing field" was awarded the title of National Grand Master Sergio Specogna of Trieste. As for the regional teams, however, after four years of domain tolmezzino team in Pordenone Trieste regained the title, thanks to the skill and experience of various GM ° Sergio Specogna, CM ° Sergio Pastrovicchio and the Maestro Otello Affatato. Meanwhile after countless national competitions and tournaments came to real important goals, such as national championships. The first of these was the championship teams of international checkers, where the formation of Turin, made Aboubacar Sadikh Diop, Luca Iacovelli and Loris Milanese, won the national title. Despite these great performances, the individual samples of Venzone (UD), none of them managed to worry the grandmaster Walter Raimondi, in the Province of Udine won his eighth title. At the same time for the Italian specialties, Livorno in Sicily imposed their dominance, winning the flag. Also in the same discipline, but in individual ways, it was still Grand Master Mario Fero to prevail, confirming Italian champion for the sixth time overall. From this year the Italian championships were held in English lady, who immediately created newness excited fans, when in this discipline offers the possibility to emigrate overseas, and even play at the world championships. Giustappunto, recent history reminds us in an unforgettable, Grandmaster Michele Borghetti Livorno, last month flew to Dublin and left everyone with his mouth open for his genius, ahead of the competition, winning the right to play next March 2011 for the world title match, against the U.S. champion Moiseyev. This is certainly the most important undertaking of the whole history of the Federation. Therefore remains at the international level, is reminiscent of the Italian victories at four nations in the Czech Republic, crowned third place at the Millennium Cup Claudio Ciampi. Good results also for the national under 25 and for the teacher Trieste Luca Lorusso Europeans in Poland. Finally here are the first in a series of analysis on the final stretches of the famous book "Maccagni" where white to move and win with a fine strategy. (Solution: 25-21 07-11 22-18 14-19 18-13 10x26 29x06 BV)