Monday, March 21, 2011

Baking Pan In Shape Of A Roller Skate

Dal M.V. del 23.02.2011

The great Zorn regains primacy

A day full of emotions one experienced last Sunday in home to the regional championship of checkers international Tolmezzo. To excel on every other, even if not purely competitive source was the extraordinary participation in the dinner, which in this case has always been known for meeting and fraternal handshakes for damisti del Friuli, Grado's great champion, Master Nicholas Lugnan. For some time away from racing he wanted to visit the new and old friends that in the case of some of them accompanied him for over half a century in his career-gloss, undoubtedly one of the most representative of Friuli. Lugnan, born in 1937 started to approach the world of the 64 boxes very young, entering with success in the famous circle of Grado. Then the work and life distract the sample correctly, just add that the time required the just and deserved importance. Place several affairs and channeled into a stable and strong track their lives as a man of family, may again reject a lot of resources to the study of the lady, in fact in 1976 he was promoted to master Italian lady, also participating in the same year, the Italian championships absolute. This event which saw him busy for 10 editions, that of the 76 mentioned above and from 1978 to 1986 without interruption. Your trophy count the more than 200 couples that he jealously guards in their homes, but above all, as he recalled Sunday in a very special corner of his heart. The President of FID, Renzo Tondo, yesterday at this event was greatly appreciated la visita dell’amico, ringraziandolo inoltre di aver arricchito il magazzino federale del materiale didattico ed agonistico dell’ex Circolo Gradese di cui egli รจ stato per anni presidente. Tornando ora alla cronaca della gara, spicca su tutte una vittoria, quella ottenuta dal mitico Walter Zorn, classe 1932, che nel gruppo assoluto ha preceduto tutti i grandi damisti presenti. Zorn, triestino di residenza, ma tolmezzino damista ha ottenuto questa grande vittoria superando brillantemente nell’ordine della classifica finale, i vari Sergio Specogna, Sergio Pastrovicchio, Daniele Redivo, Matteo Santarossa, Andrea Candoni, lo sloveno Bernard Kasca e Simone Tondo. Nel secondo gruppo, ottima conferma del candidato maestro tolmezzino Otello Marini, a point ahead of Mariano Dall'Asta and John Urban, penalized in the third position from the quotient. Away from the podium here, Slovenes Kristian Kasco Mitia Komac and Julian Ilinca Lapanja followed by Jacob and Edward Rainis. The sign of a third group found that Luciano Paulissich to 8 points before the winning couple of the family that Zanussi, with his father and his son Pablo Franco complete the podium. It must be said also that the Zanussi is now a certainty for years in this discipline in the regional group. Below Morsellino Antonio, Vittorio condole, Sergji Wojcicky, Emilio Nadal and Maria Ester Menegaldo. Finally, we see a combination designed by French Baledent J. at the end of 1800. White to move and win. (Solution: 24-19 14x23 37-31 26x46 46x28 38-32 33x04 29x18 21-26 11-17 48-42 16-21 42-37 06-11 43-38 20-24 38-32 11-16 40-35 01-06 49-43 03-08 34-30 15-20 19-14 25x34 39x19 20x09 04x02 17x08 02x13 06-11 18-12)


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